View Full Version : Parts of states wanting to secede.....

9-3-13, 7:30am
When I was in Austin last time, at the airport while waiting to board a flight back home, I stopped in a gift shop. For $2.95 and tax I bought a Secede Texas bumper sticker as it just struck me as a bizarre souvenir. Of course I had heard online about some Texans wanting to secede and then the city of Austin saying that Texas could secede but it was not seceding with Texas. I thought it was just a bunch of talk. Lately I have heard from a few Facebook friends either in or from Colorado that they want to secede from urban Colorado and form a new state, and parts of neighboring states want to join them.

My question is - just talk from the fringe elements? Or are we really falling apart internally to this level? What do you make of this? Rob

9-3-13, 7:42am
When I lived in Texas in 1980 the same talk was going on. It's a kind of bragging. We're Texas, we don't need anybody else.

9-3-13, 8:48am
I think it is shades of an ongoing values war. Many in Texas feel that they have a right to subject those less fortunate and less powerful in their society to indecent circumstances, as evidenced by the fact that more Texans don't have access to basic healthcare as compared to anywhere else in the nation. (http://www.dallasnews.com/business/health-care/20130426-survey-texas-leads-the-nation-in-lack-of-adequate-health-insurance.ece) While most of the rest of the nation has grown out of the barbaric inhuman attitudes of the past, some folks who prefer those attitudes are feeding off each other to foster significant communities where such attitudes prevail.

Miss Cellane
9-3-13, 8:56am
Back in the 70s, Martha's Vineyard and some of the other islands off the coast of Massachusetts threatened to succeed from the state. The issue was voter redistricting. So it's not a new political ploy.

Here's a link: http://www.mvmagazine.com/2007/september-october/secession.php

9-3-13, 11:23am
I think it is shades of an ongoing values war. Many in Texas feel that they have a right to subject those less fortunate and less powerful in their society to indecent circumstances, as evidenced by the fact that more Texans don't have access to basic healthcare as compared to anywhere else in the nation. (http://www.dallasnews.com/business/health-care/20130426-survey-texas-leads-the-nation-in-lack-of-adequate-health-insurance.ece) While most of the rest of the nation has grown out of the barbaric inhuman attitudes of the past, some folks who prefer those attitudes are feeding off each other to foster significant communities where such attitudes prevail.

One out of four Floridians under age 65 don't have health insurance. Including me. 49 million Americans don't have health insurance, nationwide.

9-3-13, 11:33am
Secession talk has been going on here in Texas for all the 65 years I've lived here. It's just Texas bragging talk. IMHO.

9-3-13, 12:03pm
Reminds me of the famous book, "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach.
And take it for what it's worth, but I heard a speech by someone who had a Near Death Experience, and one of the things he was shown while in the afterlife was that the U.S. would break apart.

9-4-13, 1:44pm
Well Northern Calif has been wanting to suceed from us here in Southern Calif since...well...forever. While the rest of the nation just hopes we fall into the ocean soon and get it over with finally so they don't have to deal with us anymore :-)!

9-4-13, 1:47pm
Secession talk has been going on here in Texas for all the 65 years I've lived here. It's just Texas bragging talk. IMHO.

I think it is agitators from Colorado....

9-4-13, 5:46pm
Even tiny little Maryland has the western side ( republican) wanting to secede from the state.

9-4-13, 5:53pm
Spartana, I don't want you to fall into the ocean! I would miss you--and I enjoy reading about your Cali lifestyle.

9-4-13, 7:42pm
Maybe you inspired them. Yreka voted 4-1 in favor of secession.

If any area goes through with it, there are some interesting implications for the residents. Currencies may change. Expenses and incomes will change. Assets may be trapped on the other side of the border, and maybe debts too. So much for thirty year retirement planning.

9-5-13, 4:09am
At least we know that the flag can handle states splitting into parts.


9-5-13, 7:11am
Something interesting I thought of.....If Texas indeed did secede, would I want to flee there hoping to get it's citizenship and passport? Especially if Austin was not part of the deal? Nah.....I think I'd pass. Not putting down Texas or any Texans here, it just would not be a good fit for me is all. Rob

9-5-13, 1:42pm
Spartana, I don't want you to fall into the ocean! I would miss you--and I enjoy reading about your Cali lifestyle. Thanks! I hope we don't fall into the ocean either - unless maybe LA goes (I'm in "The OC" land of the rich (other than me :-)!) and beautiful (other then me :-)!). Most people in LA want to secede from OC and visa versa. That may divide up access to our most important assets. Not water of course but plastic surgeons :-)!

9-5-13, 5:00pm
I think it is agitators from Colorado....

I think they will calm down, and get the munchies as well.:laff:

9-5-13, 5:05pm
I know it's mean spirited but I could do without a lot of the states in the SouthEast. I'm sure they feel the same way about the NorthWest. :)

9-5-13, 5:12pm
I know it's mean spirited but I could do without a lot of the states in the SouthEast. I'm sure they feel the same way about the NorthWest. :)

I'd be pretty happy to see Cascadia arise:



9-9-13, 10:49pm
Ha ha ha, we had this discussion at a party this weekend. Good luck to "Northern Colorado" cause all the water agreements would be null and void. Good luck with that farming and fracking while the rest of the state throws up wind generators and sells pot! As for TX, they have never, ever forgotten they were once their own country. Nor will they ever forget. But if they do secede, can we call them Little Mexico? ;-). Because not much would irk a Texan more than being called 'little'!