View Full Version : October Gratitude

10-4-13, 4:28pm
Thought I'd start this thread for October. I am so grateful for the chance to go fishing with my husband. We are lucky to live in an area with many parks. I've never fished, so after 40 years of marriage I thought I'd give it a try. My husband has fished all his life and is thrilled to have a partner. I haven't caught anything yet, but I have enjoyed all 3 experiences...one a state park, another a stream and another a pond. So, all different and all enjoyable. I see what he likes about fishing.

10-4-13, 4:49pm
Thanks, nswef!

I am so happy to have the husband I have. I have female friends that seem to suffer no end of conflict and strife in their romantic relationships, and I feel as though our home is a little sanctuary in the crazy chaos of life these days, a place where we can both huddle at the end of the day and think, "thank heavens I'm here, and with YOU." I know I would also be fine alone, but I like our partnership and I'm thankful to have found it.

10-4-13, 6:10pm
I feel as though our home is a little sanctuary in the crazy chaos of life these days, a place where we can both huddle at the end of the day and think, "thank heavens I'm here, and with YOU." I know I would also be fine alone, but I like our partnership and I'm thankful to have found it.
Wow. I could have writtent that! DW could have, too!

That's exactly the way we feel about each other. We were on our own for years and had good fulfilling lives. But it's so much better together. And we don't make any room in the relationship for drama. Friends of ours gave us a sign we put on the wall by the back door: "Take a deep breath. You're home now." It's true.

10-4-13, 6:44pm
I could say the same as well, pug and steve! How lucky we are! I have a needlepoint picture which says "What I love most about my home is the person I share it with."

I am also grateful for my hometown which hosts a Birdfest every year which keeps getting better and better. I take my autistic grandson and he never tires of it. I think I'll see if he will do a walk on animal track and sign.

It's so nice to "go home" and smell all the familiar smells, and hear all the familiar sounds (geese, ducks, heron, etc.).

If you'd like to see what they have going on tomorrow and Sunday, you can sneak a peek here:

I'm really interested in the speaker on the language of birds. ETA: no, the refuge will not be open due to the gov shutdown, but there's still plenty to do-see.

10-4-13, 6:50pm
Kay, that looks SO cool.

10-4-13, 10:29pm
Thanks, nswef!

I am so happy to have the husband I have. I have female friends that seem to suffer no end of conflict and strife in their romantic relationships, and I feel as though our home is a little sanctuary in the crazy chaos of life these days, a place where we can both huddle at the end of the day and think, "thank heavens I'm here, and with YOU." I know I would also be fine alone, but I like our partnership and I'm thankful to have found it.

Ditto! Word for word... We are lucky, and I suspect all of us have worked to be at this point of calm.

10-6-13, 11:21pm
So thankful for a crisp blue sunny autumn day. They make my heart swell with joy (I'm kind of an autumn gal)

10-7-13, 6:00pm
I'm grateful for nice people.

10-8-13, 11:47am
I'm thankful for antibiotics.
And sorry for all the people iin the past who actually died because of bad teeth.

10-8-13, 11:51am
Queen Hatshepsut (Pharaoh of Egypt) died of an abcessed tooth. Random fact.

10-8-13, 4:28pm
I'm grateful for finding a great reflexologist who has not only helped my feet, but has opened my mind to other things. Plus, she always lifts my spirit.

10-9-13, 2:30pm
I am grateful that all our family members love each other (DH, me, 4 dogs, 1 parrot) and help each other out.

10-9-13, 3:53pm
Feeling wonderful to have taken the morning off work to work in the garden, on a beautiful warm autumn day. So thankful I have that flexibility.

10-11-13, 10:18pm
I got an email today from a former coworker, still caught up in crazy weird drama of my former job. So I am especially grateful for my very nice boss, and fun, rational coworkers....one of whom brought cookies today. Also grateful my mom is always willing to pet-sit for us, though it turns out that's not needed since our camping trip this weekend was on federal land. And, it's rare a day goes by ever that I'm not grateful to live here-unless they are shrouded in clouds, I see the high peaks of the Rockies every day, and the beauty just about takes my breath away even so.

10-12-13, 9:16am
I'm grateful for the wonderful area we live in. It's in a quiet, leafy part of the city and although we don't have our own private outdoor space, there's a beautiful park right up the street. Can't wait to have kids here so I can take them there, to the local nature playgroup, to stories/singalongs at the library, to the community garden...

10-12-13, 12:51pm
Though I have seen pictures of my son & the team, I have not actually heard anything from him since the 4th. Woke up this morning to a brief IM from him! And a few comments on some of my fb posts about the race. Including one correction of the rules as I had stated them. But I knew that one was coming at some point LOL

Not much, but it was wonderful :D

Simpler at Fifty
10-12-13, 1:47pm
I am grateful we paid off our car loan 7 mos early. This will be a nice break for us. DH drives a 2003 camry that will not be replaced for at least 7 years. I drive a 2009 CRV and don't plan on replacing for 10 years. I am hoping to have 5-7 years of no car payments. With my new job I got a 6% raise and that is helping us too.

10-12-13, 2:11pm
Thankful we will be allowed to re-open Rocky Mountain National Park, at least for a few days. Poor little Estes Park (the gateway town on this side) has suffered so much already.

10-15-13, 10:02pm
Thankful we will be allowed to re-open Rocky Mountain National Park, at least for a few days. Poor little Estes Park (the gateway town on this side) has suffered so much already.

That is good news!

10-15-13, 10:06pm
Had a lengthy Google Chat with Ian last night. It was so nice to see & hear him!

Got out of work on time at 12 today, as scheduled. Yay! I have been working almost 40 hours/week at my part time job for about 2 months. Like the money but I'm ready for a few less hours. At least for a little while. Got a few things done around here.

Going to pick up Ty tomorrow so he can come home for a few days.

10-16-13, 3:17pm
Azure, that's so wonderful.

Today I'm feeling glad that my regular winter order from the bulk organic food company came in. I feel wealthy surrounded by sacks of black beans, raisins, walnuts, rice, oatmeal, flour, a bunch of Colorado honey.....in addition to everything we've frozen and dried from the garden this year. Yum! Usually this stash lasts us the entire year, and keeps our grocery bills low.

10-16-13, 10:48pm
I am so grateful to have work that I love.

10-17-13, 6:29pm
Pug that sounds like a real bounty!
Jilly, work you love is such a blessing.

10-17-13, 10:06pm
Have to share a gratitude and an appreciation.

My Panasonic microwave died. I went to Sears to see what they had to replace and I mentioned that the Panasonic had died after just over a year which really disappointed me. The salesperson checked the warranty and she reminded me that it had a 2-year over the counter warranty not just a single year. Sure enough, I had bought my microwave in March of 2012 and it was still under warranty.

I phoned the 1-800 number and was asked to do some checks on the microwave, told to expect an authorizing letter re the over the counter warranty in my email telling me to go back to the original store with my receipt and unit. I phoned Panasonic on Wednesday, received the email yesterday and picked the replacement Panasonic last night at Walmart. Well done to both companies but especially Panasonic for standing behind their product.

Had a lovely walk with an old friend and met a new one for a long joint hike with my dog this morning.

10-17-13, 10:12pm
Just got a call for a market research opportunity - $100 for 2 hours time - right before we leave on a short vacation!!

10-18-13, 7:19pm
Was in checkout line at Kohls when a stranger standing behind me handed me a $10 off coupon! She noticed I was buying more than $30 worth of clothes, and the coupon was only good for min. $30 purchase, so since she wasn't using it she didn't want it to go to waste.

Plus our garage sale had perfect weather and we made about $140. Donated the leftover sale items to our local charity thrift store, so a win-win for everyone.

Finally, had pizza lunch with my adult offspring who turns 30 today. Really a great day all the way around.

10-18-13, 10:17pm
Sounds very nice, Lainey

10-20-13, 11:04am
I've discovered a TV channel/Web resource (galavision/univision) that has interesting documentaries on UFOs and other subjects. In Spanish! Woot!

10-20-13, 6:21pm
So pleased with how my Sunday turned out. Over at our community garden, a gang of volunteers bearing sharp garden implements chopped and mixed and piled and watered until we had several huge compost piles to "cook" over the winter, ready for springtime. It was cold, and began to snow as we were finishing up, but we had good company, hot spiced cider, pumpkin bread, and a very festive fall energy. Made me very happy.

10-20-13, 10:32pm
Puglogic, your day sounds just wonderful.

10-24-13, 3:31pm
Insomnia isn't something I'm grateful for. But having the flexibility to deal with it is.

A quick 5-minute cat nap here and there, the ability to go in to work late, even the ability to work in the middle of the night when nothing is working to get me back to sleep is good. I wake up (eventually) in the morning and realize that I've got half my day's work done already....

10-28-13, 2:55pm
When I look out my office window, I usually see a large evergreen mountain framed in it, with some homes and trees in the immediate foreground. What I see right now: no mountain, and just the faintest outline of the homes and trees, because we have been set upon by a dense icy fog, probably the precursor to a snowstorm.

Grateful for that? Hm, no. But grateful for the space heater and the thick fleecy sweatshirt and the snoring dogs in my chairs (chairs which humans rarely get to sit in, because there's always a dog in them) that make this little space feel cozy, even in this cold and damp weather.

10-28-13, 3:22pm
I'll quote my DH, quite the party animal and the one to whom "moderation" is a four-letter word.

At his 60th birthday bash, after he blew out the candles he said to the large crowd gathered there,

"I'm so happy you all are here. Hell, I'm so happy that I'm here!"

Me too.