View Full Version : Opting out of gift-giving

11-18-13, 8:27pm
Got an email from my sister today. She is hosting Thanksgiving, and asked that we bring our holiday wish lists.

I emailed her and told her that quite honestly, I'm thinking of just buying for the children, and possibly for my mother. She said to let her know for sure asap--it would be OK with her.

Some of you may recall my very upset threads last year about this very issue. Two years ago, when I was flat broke, I opted out of gift-giving altogether. Then, last year, I foolishly revived the whole thing, only to find my brother was upset at being left out of certain decisions. So I'm thinking that this year is the year!

I was just re-reading my old threads. I really let myself get too upset over the whole holiday thing. It's only one day, as the saying goes. The roof isn't going to fall in if I don't do what I've always done.

Postscript: It was kind of cool last year when we didn't go for Thanksgiving dinner (SO had minor surgery the day before). I always get stressed out over cooking, even though I'm not even the chef! We usually prepare a side dish, a vegetarian entree and a dessert. We're not very well organized so we end up doing a lot at the last minute, and it is stressful for me.

11-18-13, 11:01pm
Good for you. I believe that everyone should do whatever is best for her/him. Other people will understand or they will not. So be it. Frankly, the less I spend on stuff and the more stuff I make for gifts, well, it just means more emergency chocolate on hand.

11-18-13, 11:39pm
Frugalone, I would go along with your original thoughts - just buy for the kiddies and your mom.

Amongst the extended family on my mom's side when I was growing up, the nieces and nephews got Christmas and birthday gifts until they graduated from high school. Beyond the high school graduation gift, the only gifts given were for big events like weddings and the first baby.