View Full Version : Sooo....George Zimmerman...

11-19-13, 10:12am
So, do you think any of the suckers who donated money to this punk and stood up shouting about his constitutional rightness to 'defend' his neighborhood will actually admit they were played for fools?
Naw, ain't gonna happen. I'm guessing they will just double down on 'ol George's constitutional right to shove a shotgun into his girlfriends face....I'll bet he was standing his ground!
More guns!!

11-19-13, 12:42pm
So, do you think we should let him have a trial, and lay the evidence in front of a jury, so they can sort out the facts...

11-19-13, 6:33pm
I can't imagine how these stories make the Trevor Martin family feel. I think losing a child must be very difficult and having his killer keep getting in these situations must make it even harder. Tragic for all concerned.

11-19-13, 7:07pm
Flowerseverywhere, well stated

11-19-13, 8:01pm
I'm one of the ones that thought he was "innocent". But dang.......his behavior since then has sure made me wonder.
I was thinking the same thing too, about the Martin family. His behavior since then has sure cast a different light on who he might be.
I wonder what the jurors are thinking.........

11-20-13, 5:31pm
I would be more than happy to never see his name in print again. All the time and energy (mental and physical) wasted on this person might be used to actually do some good in the world.

11-20-13, 6:15pm
I wonder if he has ever had any sort of support or counseling?

I mean, according to his account, he was violently attacked, then he killed a man. Killing isn't easy, and many people I know who have had to do so were deeply impacted by the experience, and took years to recover.

Then he lost his wife, and became a national figure hated by many, with a bounty on his head. I suspect his financial position isn't all roses, he's probably unemployable, and the media covers his every moment.

Sucks to be him.

11-20-13, 7:04pm
I was thinking about that too Bae........that maybe we shouldn't assume this is the way he's always been.........but rather a reaction to the experience with killing Martin. I just don't know........
Like you say........it sucks to be him.

11-20-13, 10:07pm
I wonder if he has ever had any sort of support or counseling?

I mean, according to his account, he was violently attacked, then he killed a man. Killing isn't easy, and many people I know who have had to do so were deeply impacted by the experience, and took years to recover.

Then he lost his wife, and became a national figure hated by many, with a bounty on his head. I suspect his financial position isn't all roses, he's probably unemployable, and the media covers his every moment.

Sucks to be him.. An article I read today said he had $150 in assets and 2.5 million in debts. He has many enemies. That does not give you permission to threaten people with a gun. He was judged by a jury of his peers to be not guilty in his trial. I can accept that. But every day many veterans that have killed people or been in seriously dangerous situations manage not to go waving guns in people's faces. And even if that is not true something happened for the police to get involved yet again. He either had bad behavior or makes very poor choices in whom he associates with.

11-20-13, 10:27pm
. An article I read today said he had $150 in assets and 2.5 million in debts. He has many enemies. That does not give you permission to threaten people with a gun. He was judged by a jury of his peers to be not guilty in his trial. I can accept that. But every day many veterans that have killed people or been in seriously dangerous situations manage not to go waving guns in people's faces. And even if that is not true something happened for the police to get involved yet again. He either had bad behavior or makes very poor choices in whom he associates with.

You are assuming he was indeed "waving guns in peoples' faces". Has there been a trial?

11-20-13, 10:32pm
It would seem he's under a tremendous amount of stress, for sure. It always seemed to me (very unscientific) that the whole mess arose because he wanted to feel more powerful and in control than he actually was. Where he ended up was a place where he was in NO way in control of his life....so waving a gun -- if indeed he did -- wouldn't be at all surprising to me.

There are probably millions of George Zimmermans in the world, trying to exercise control over their lives with the aid of firearms. Hard to say if he deserves any more help than any of them do.

11-21-13, 8:47am
You are assuming he was indeed "waving guns in peoples' faces". Has there been a trial?. That was why I wrote even if it not true ... Like in the Martin case, no one will ever know the exact truth, and a jury of peers will try to sort it out based on the facts presented to them. Certain people, from everyday joes to celebrities seem to attract the headlines and police involvement. I can safely say this man either engages in the type of behavior that invites police involvement or associates with people who do. I actually live in the "stand your ground" state, not far from this man. I know many gun owners here, some who are adamant about their weapons and some who conceal carry,all the time. I do hear a lot of vocalization about constitutional rights. I rarely hear about problems with these legal gun owners. Getting a conceal carry permit is very easy here compared to NY where i moved from yet it is quite rare to hear of problems with the law for responsible gun owners anywhere I have lived.

11-21-13, 10:41am
You know bae, I think you are much more intelligent and more learned person than I am. I have learned a lot from reading your posts. But tomorrow if something happened and you ended up in court someone just like me, with my preconceived prejudices like we all have, could be on your jury. I read a lot of history, and we have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in Virginia and DC the past year and some of the reasons why the constitution was written like it was are coming into clearer focus to me as we visit historical sites and I read biographies of Jefferson etc. Earth has a very violent history, war after war, crime after crime. I know I am not going to change much of what happens in the world, but I do feel for victims of assault, even if it started innocently or was provoked. I think it will be very hard for Zimmerman to get an impartial jury, if it gets to that point and I am sorry for that.

11-21-13, 1:05pm
I think it will be very hard for Zimmerman to get an impartial jury, if it gets to that point and I am sorry for that.

I was on a jury a few years back, involving a self-defense case with a considerable amount of gory violence.

During jury selection, about half the potential jurors disqualified themselves by admitting that they couldn't possible look fairly at the case because the very thought of violence was so disturbing to them.

When the jury went into deliberations, the majority of the jury wanted to convict the defendant, simply because the nature of the injuries that resulted were so graphically presented to us by the prosecutor, and the "victim" was a woman, and the defendant was a burly man. Most of the jury thought deliberations would be over in 5 minutes, they wanted to just convict the fellow and go to lunch.

Lucky for the defendant, it only takes one or two honest people on a jury who can process the jury instructions, and the law, and not fall into group think. We were there for most of the day, and eventually voted to acquit, because the state had not met the burden of proof, vile though the whole affair was.

We were not offered the option to convict both parties involved :-)

12-10-13, 1:42pm
Uh oh:


12-10-13, 5:09pm
Oh I am SO glad all the 'neighborhood protectors' are standing up for this guy because he has, of course, proven himself to be such an upstanding citizen. And he IS the model of a 'citizen protector' they ALL want to follow. Gee, I wonder why he keeps running into people who just arbitrarily want to accuse him of violence? I mean he's such a decent sort and all.

whoops! Looks like he failed to pay his lawyer his due.

But....I'm thinking, with his money troubles, do you think he is looking to get FREE HEALTH CARE? Oh dear! What is the right wing tea party taliban to do? I know! They should donate more money to this guy so he can buy his OWN health care. But I'm thinking guns trump health care. After all, he's the one with the gun, so it isn't likely HE will be the one needing health care.

Yeah, keep sending him money folks. Cause he is being UNFAIRLY treated, and..and vilified, and he just HAD to kill that unarmed black kid...he really did!

(I just wonder how long it will take these suckers to realize that Zimmerman realizes that whenever he gets arrested, they send him a butt load of money and support!);)

12-10-13, 5:14pm

12-11-13, 7:50am
Imagine if she had pressed these charges, which she now says are untrue. I live a few counties away from him and I must say it would have been very difficult for him to get a fair trial.

Peggy, what makes this country great, IMHO is that there is a right for all of us to express our opinions and support our causes, whether or not I agree with them.