View Full Version : Getting organized a day at a time.

1-1-11, 3:57pm
I have so many things I want to tackle. My lists have lists at this point. I was feeling very overwhelmed last week at this time. So I have decided to tackle one thing at a time. Today we took down the tree and packed everything away. What a relief to be rid of all the clutter. I enjoy the holidays but at some point I really have had enough with the extra stuff to move and dust, pack and unpack.

So now I think I will focus on tackling one small thing a day which at the end of the week will equal a good weeks work. Tomorrow I am going to organize the cabinet I keep pet supplies in, tossing everything expired, donating what we don't use to the humane society.

Anybody else starting to tackle things a little at a time?

1-1-11, 4:37pm
I'd like to do this, too; I think it's a great idea and I know I tend to waste a lot of time, so having one small thing to focus on would work, I think. We just did a long drive home after visiting family for a few weeks, so tomorrow I'll have to take down the tree and put away Christmas stuff, but starting Monday, I'll work on one little organizing task at a time. Really like this idea, thanks!

1-1-11, 6:41pm
Each year (this time) I tend to engulf myself in cleaning and organizing every area I come across (deal with) as a result of the holiday season etc. It can be a slow, drawn out and often methodic process, but the end result is always so rewarding.

On my list of jobs:

- Tackle the storage areas of the main floor bathroom (under counter space, medicine cabinet shelves).
- Make some order of all the Christmas stuff and in doing so, clean the storage area(s) where all the stuff goes.

1-1-11, 9:04pm
That is exactly how I work - one task at a time. I need to focus and not think about anything else except the one task at hand (I'm the opposite of ADD) or I get overwhelmed. My DH is the opposite - he tackles many things at the same time. We don't always work well together, but over the years we've learned to appreciate the other's style. Anyway, keep up the good work, one step at a time.

1-1-11, 11:24pm
I handle paperwork decluttering this way. A little at a time in one location. It's easier for me to handle and see results.

1-2-11, 5:06am
I spent several hours yesterday organizing a huge collection of DVDs (dont ask, hubby issue). Found four sets with duplicates. So now have donate box, send to in law box and a much better idea of what we have and where it is.

One small job but a big feeling of accomplishment.:)

1-2-11, 7:48am
I doubt I will be able to maintain one thing a week, but I also spent yesterday packing up Christmas. All done! My motivation, however, was because I FINALLY have a desk and it will be located where the Christmas tree was - lol. Once all the furniture is set in place, my real organizing will begin - papers, computers, etc.

Hi, 24prins! Have been thinking of you and glad to see you here!

Simpler at Fifty
1-2-11, 10:48am
If you get distracted when organizing or decluttering, set the timer for 15". Taking a break every 15 minutes will help. You will be surprised how much you get done in 15 minutes.

1-2-11, 3:35pm
OK, so I just cleaned out the pet supplies cabinet. Found some heartworm medicine and treats I didn't know we had. Money saver there. :)

Tomorrow I go back to work (I work full time telecommuting) and Mondays are always so busy so I think tomorrow will be one drawer, a very small junk drawer in the kitchen.....once I get it emptied I always wonder how we fit all of that stuff into it.

I also keep a change jar, and I think I will focus on gathering change throughout the house during this month long clean out and than take the jar to the bank to cash it in (free of cost) at the end of the month just to see how much money is laying around here.

1-2-11, 3:40pm
It really doesn't have to all be done in one day. Be reasonable. One box at a time. Maybe one room per month depending upon how busy you are with work/fam. Don't add more pressure on yourself by adding an unreasonable timeline. It'll get done eventually and we'll all be proud of you for it =)


early morning
1-2-11, 7:55pm
I tend to want everything done at once (although I don't want to DO it) and get discouraged when the list is long, and growing. A little at a time is usually the best way for us to do things. I keep a list on my flash drive (so I can access it on breaks at work) and strike out the ones we complete. It helps me to have that visual reminder of what has been done. Off my list so far this year (all 2 days of it!): clean out and organize the craft drawer; ditto the bottom of the welsh dresser, set up the new sewing machine, make myself a pair of slippers. I have also started a donate bag and a sell box, and have returned some missing items to their correct home. Since all that had to fit around our normal agenda, I'm pretty pleased with us! :)

1-2-11, 10:24pm
I love the idea of 15 minutes at a time.I tend to look and get tired thinking of what all have to be done.going to do 15 minutes tomorrow thanks Simpler at Fifty,


1-9-11, 8:41pm
I'm already getting ready for this year's Thanksgiving and Christmas, 15 minutes a day. It is starting with putting away (and repairing) The Christmas items. My plan is to declutter enough so that I have plenty of empty space so I can easily pull out the holiday items and use them right away. I spend too much time during the holidays juggling excess stuff.

1-10-11, 2:01pm
I remember reading somewhere that Ben Franklin said that whenever he had lots of tasks to do or bad habits he wanted to break, he would make a list and tackle only one thing on the list until he reached that goal before tackling anything else on the list. So if he wanted to stop smoking, lose weight, clean out the garage, mend the fence, decorate the privy, etc... he would pick one item off the list and ONLY work on that until it was completed. I do this my self (I'm a serious NON-multi tasker) and it works. Lindi

9-30-16, 9:14pm
Some things never change!!