View Full Version : Chimney fire last night!

12-22-13, 3:59pm
Near miss...

The woodstove had been burning a bit lame and smoky all day, which I'd attributed to the weather conditions and perhaps damp wood.

About 30 minutes after we went to bed last night, my daughter, whose bedroom is on the upper floor of the house, began yelling. Wife sprung out of bed to investigate, gets a few steps out of our bedroom, turns back and tells me the woodstove is smoking, bad, and I need to Deal With It.

I grumble, she says "no, really!"

I stump out. Look at it. Look at the haze of smoke at the ceiling level.


Wife moves daughter down a floor, tucks her into bed in a safer spot, gathers the pets.

I dial up the fire station, get the officer in charge on his way with a rig. I jump into my firefighting PPE, and get to work... Turns out it is handy to have a firefighting living on-premises, this was the shortest response time for me ever :)

As I'm having at it, my daughter stumbles back up to the ground floor - she'd been stashed down in my man-cave. "Dad, your fire radio went off, there's a call. It's for *here*..." She blinks. "And you're in your penguin suit... that can't be good!" Pause "I think I'm grabbing some shoes and a jacket."

Still don't know what the root cause was, put out whatever was going on by liberal application of water to generate immense volumes of steam, and some ventilation. Knocked down the fire in the stove itself enough to pick up the fuel, throw it into a metal can, and carry it to a safe place outside. Stayed up much of the night with the thermal imaging camera, electing not to tear open the walls since it was cold and nasty out, and we suspected we got to it in time.

Chimney had been cleaned and serviced in October. Wood nice dry fir, aged 2+ years easily.

Of note: the smoke detectors didn't go off until I started putting water onto the event, even though there was a thick haze in the air, and the air quality was very poor. I put on an N95 mask while I was working, as my SCBA was on the rig that wasn't in my driveway yet. The mask was black on the outside by the time I was done, you don't want to be breathing that.

Keep some good fire extinguishers handy, practice with those suckers, call friends for backup if you think something is amiss!


12-22-13, 5:51pm
Wow, Bae, scary stuff. Glad you caught it in time.

Burning wood, I worry about that risk and how sensitive the smoke detectors really are. They seem to be fairly reactive to a cigarette smoke alone and it is connected to a 24/7 manned monitored alarm system that is really loud when it sets off the alarm.

12-22-13, 7:29pm
Definitely not the way anyone wants to wake up! But good thing that you caught it so quickly and knew what to do about it!

12-22-13, 7:33pm
Bae, glad you caught it.

Mine is so sensitive that a little bit of smoke from cooking sets it off.

12-22-13, 7:47pm
I'm so glad everyone made it out safely. Stay warm.

boss mare
12-22-13, 8:42pm
Bae Good thing you are in the Fire Service.... DH is also a Fire Fighter (35+ years) and when we met 12 years ago he was shocked that my wood stove chimney was never cleaned in the 14 years that I owned the house.... You are so lucky ... We have the scanner on and hear a lot of chimney fires reported. 3 weeks ago when we had that cold spell he had quite a few calls too.

12-22-13, 9:16pm
Holy cow, bae, glad you and your family are okay. Merry Christmas.

12-22-13, 11:01pm
Glad that all turned out okay. A bit scary though...

Blackdog Lin
12-23-13, 10:48am
Ditto thankfulness that your family (and house) are okay.

12-23-13, 12:53pm
As the Boy Scouts say, "Be prepared." And it sounds like bae was prepared. Glad all is well.

12-23-13, 5:16pm
Why didn't the detectors go off? It sounds like they should have. Any suggestions what we can do to avoid the same problem in our homes?

12-24-13, 3:09pm
Please report back, when you have figured out the cause. (i've wondered if the exhaust pipes have an eventual failure, issue)

Good to hear things turned out ok. We (work) dealt with one of our local firestations and the thermal camera this year. Smelled burning electrical and couldn't find anything. An hour after they came, they determined it was coming from a transformer in a florescent light. So I know the camera's make it easier, but don't give a total piece of mind.

12-24-13, 3:53pm
We'll find out after Christmas, when The Chimney Super Genius is coming by to see what the heck happened.

12-26-13, 1:29pm
Glad all is safe bae! Will be curious to hear what you determine the cause to be. My in-laws had a chimney fire once, but unlike you that was due to poor maintenance and a practice of dampening down the fire every single night. They said the creosote burning inside the pipe (triple wall, thankfully) sounded like a jet engine. Lucky for them the pipe was outside the house and mounted on a brick wall so they just stood by with hoses and extinguishers and let it burn itself out. I don't think they ever realized how lucky they were.

early morning
12-27-13, 3:04pm
Sheesh, bae, I'm sure glad you are all ok! I am shocked that it happened to you, as it seems you are both knowledgeable and careful. I have a cousin who only burns things he shouldn't (trash, plastic, raw fresh pine (free left over Christmas trees!) and does very little maintenance. I worry about them but he dismisses the idea that he's asking for trouble...

1-3-14, 7:53pm
Happened to us twice in the last thirty years. Very scary both times.

Glad you and your family are fine.

1-4-14, 4:37am
Jeez-o-peetz, Bae! Glad you and your family are all okay, and very glad you had the knowledge and the equipment to deal with such a scary situation! Smoke detectors not going off...now there's a scary thought. Yikes!

6-21-15, 4:01pm
oops........posted on the wrong thread.

6-22-15, 2:01am
Glad everyone is okay...