View Full Version : "Let Girls Lead" to help young girls around the world

2-24-14, 12:59pm
I thought that http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Making-a-difference/2014/0221/Denise-Dunning-unlocks-girl-power-through-Let-Girls-Lead?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Change_Agent&utm_campaign=20140224_Newsletter%3AChange%20Agent_ Sailthru&cmpid=ema%3Anws%3AChange%2520Agent%2520Weekly%2520 %2802-24-2014%29 this was a really neat article about empowering young girls and helping build strong communities.

I have often wished that I could find a venue that would let me help young girls discover their potential. I was very involved in Girl Guides which was quite good but have nothing to replace that as yet.

But in countries where girls and women bear the brunt of poverty, Let Girls Lead, an Oakland, Calif.-based initiative founded by Denise Dunning, helps them amplify their voices and broaden their hopes, turning small victories into large-scale changes...
The progress in Malawi came about through a partnership between Let Girls Lead and Malawi's Girls Empowerment Network (GENET), which is campaigning to raise the national marriage age from 15 to 18. In the villages where GENET has already pushed for bylaws to raise the marriage age to 21, parents who try to marry off daughters before then have to sweep the floors at the local school or hospital, says GENET cofounder Joyce Mkandawire in a phone interview from Malawi.

One group of girls recently intervened when a teenage friend's parents arranged a marriage. The girls told the man, " 'No, you cannot marry our friend. Wait until she is 21,'... and they mobilized to be sure the marriage is dissolved," Ms. Mkandawire says...

With a $20,000 grant from Let Girls Lead and some key partners, Schaack developed and helped pass Liberia's Children's Law, a landmark guarantee of rights to health care and education, along with other safeguards, with a particular focus on the needs of girls. Let Girls Lead is giving three years of support to ensure implementation of the Children's Law. Liberian girls write and blog about their experiences as a way to hold the government accountable.

What sets Let Girls Lead apart from other advocacy-training programs, Dunning says, is a tipping-point approach that equips local experts and then supports them as they pursue the strategies they hatch.

2-24-14, 4:29pm
That sounds like a wonderful program!