View Full Version : Should we add a Preppers forum?
iris lilies
2-27-14, 9:48pm
Here's a poll to gauge interest here on a forum for Preppers. We've had the request to make a new forum. What do ya'll think about that? Please vote, and add your comments to this thread.
"Preppers" refers to activity to prepare for calamities and includes food storage, homesteading, survival methods and preparation, etc.
it depends on what one is prepping for. I prepped for years for being able to retire. I prep for hurricane season--food, water, lighting, etc. I don't prep for TEOTWAWKI. I often prep vegetables for dinner.
iris lilies
2-28-14, 9:36am
it depends on what one is prepping for. I prepped for years for being able to retire. I prep for hurricane season--food, water, lighting, etc. I don't prep for TEOTWAWKI. I often prep vegetables for dinner.
hey Florence, then you could talk about your preparation for hurricanes on the new forum.
2-28-14, 10:24am
I voted yes. Why not? The more info the better.
I am prepping to get through kids' slumber party tonight. I am just at about a 48 hour window of prepping for anything in life right now, but there have been multiple weather incidences in the area of the country I currently live in & to be perfectly honest, I trust you guys more than I do the internet- as we all come from different sides of the coin and I can hash out various opinions, plus I have great respect for how responsible the people on this forum are.
I don't like the name "preppers". You may think that you know what it means but many will not especially those outside the usual urban setting. Find a better name that explains the possible aim (as the other forums do) of the potential new forum and I will reconsider. I have not voted as yet.
Miss Cellane
2-28-14, 12:42pm
I would like to see an explanation from those who run the forum as to their definitions of "Prepper" and "Prepping," and how they see this as fitting in with the goals of the forums as a whole.
There are many different sorts of Preppers out there, and some of them have little or nothing to do with Simple Living. While I am not against the idea in general, I'm not sure what adding a Prepping forum to the boards would accomplish, as we have existing forums where these issues can be discussed.
Also, since there are a great many forums already dedicated to prepping out there, why another one, associated with Simple Living, is necessary.
My concerns are drawing traffic to the boards that is not aligned with the goals of this forum. I have to admit that it has changed since moving to the new site, and while I am committed to staying here and trying to make it work, a large influx of people with vastly different goals would change that.
So I haven't voted yet, but am waiting to see what the shape/format/goals of this new forum might be.
2-28-14, 1:59pm
I vote to give it a go on a trial basis and let's see what kind of response we get and if it is in general alignment with our board - notice I said "general" - this gives some leeway. If it were to become a hotbed of extreme survivalism, would that be in general alignment with this board? Rob
I voted yes, but on the condition that Rob mentioned. If we find it is not in alignment with our core values, we can always drop it. My permaculture teacher said that there is a contingent in the permaculture community that is practicing it in preparation for TEOTWAWKI. I think that even though our motives are different, there are still things we can learn from each other. (Unless we get too many nutcakes, to use redfox's words.)
I voted no, and I consider myself a quasi-prepper. Let me just say that while most of the folks here would likely be someone I'd like to have a beer or glass of lemonade with, that hasn't been my experience on a number of the prepper forums I've found. There's a lot of extremeism, a religious zealot/women-should-do-what-they're-told -because-the-Bible-says-so fringe, conspiracy theorists and the like. When I'm up for that sort of thing, i can seek it out. I'm not crazy about our cozy little haven here being overrun.
I think it's easier to just say no to start with, than to start one up and then deal with it's problems, and trying to discontinue it.
2-28-14, 3:01pm
"Preppers" can also have a perception of being gun collecting (for the purpose of that imminent stand off with the government) and extreme political views that don't come close to what I see as Simple Living (Emerson, Thoreau.) If such a "Preppers" area was created and it attracted that type of person I think it would likely have a negative impact on the atmosphere of the forum in general.
I voted "no."
2-28-14, 3:23pm
Well it might make interesting conversation with plenty of passion, whether the world will end in fire or ice is always interesting, I guess :) But on topic I don't know. It has certain connotations yea. Prepper has a very individualistic atomized connotation. The community orientation of this goes by names like Transition Town and probably wouldn't use the term prepper. What would attract people I have no idea.
Lovely stereotypes being thrown out here.
I wondered what your response would be bae. You didn't disappoint.
There are stereotypes for reasons. I think people have brought up good points.
I wondered what your response would be bae. You didn't disappoint.
There are stereotypes for reasons.
2-28-14, 4:10pm
Well one can have enough (mostly just doomster boards before 08) to have had enough of that for one lifetime. Though I don't know what character a "prepper" forum here would actually have. I'm not sure it would attract new people. When I think about what new people these days would be after, it's more just survival (but not necessarily survivalism) in these aweful economic times (especially the young), but I really don't know. I'm not in marketing.
When reading these forums I simply click the "what's new" button and read the most recent thread titles and posts. I don't even notice anymore which forum someone has posted their questions.
When reading these forums I simply click the "what's new" button and read the most recent thread titles and posts. I don't even notice anymore which forum someone has posted their questions.
That is a good point, Dhiana.
Bae raises a good point. Are we basing our views of prepping on our viewpoint of what the word means to us? Is it our individual thinking that is stereotypical. Since I have no idea what 'prepper' could mean, I have no view. It just sounds like a jargon type of word to me for someone to use like a jargon name for a car, etc. like a muscle car.
2-28-14, 6:48pm
Wow, I think I must lead a sheltered life. I voted yes thinking that "prepper" meant stocking up on food and necessities in case there's a storm and you can't use the roads/power/etc. I felt it met with simple living frugal desires to get case lot deals on things you could use. It sounds like there's a segment of the population that I have not met... yet.
For instance, a week or so ago someone pointed out this handy list to me. I bookmarked it since it seemed helpful and we were experiencing quite a storm and I was unsure if the power would go off.
2-28-14, 6:51pm
Stereotypes exist for a reason. And "stereotype" is not synonymous with "rule."
Personally, I can't understand why one would want to hoard guns. But everyone has their thing.
The thing about establishing one's own arsenal (as some gun hoarders are hell-bent on doing) is it frequently goes along with the mental attitude that wallows in the post-apocalyptic belief that it's going to be "me and my guns against the starving masses so I'm going to shoot first. Don't get any ideas about my wood pile."
The idea that we're even going to have this civilization-ending meltdown anytime in the near (or even reasonably distant) future or that it would be instantaneous or life-altering is absolutely ludicrous. I mean, come on!
It makes me wonder if some of those preppers aren't actually fantasizing that sort of thing would happen. Maybe they think life in the 21st century is too easy and they want some global-tragedy to befall us all so they can prove to themselves they're still actually alive.
I have not created this stereotype from a vacuum. I don't think this way. I didn't make it up. Lots of "preppers" talk this way.
Maybe I haven't been here long enough to be this presumptuous to state my position so vocally. But I did lurk here for awhile before I registered and read a lot of threads. I have also looked at a lot of other forums. I have seen the image of "prepper" as I've described it all over the web. I would hate to see this site attract that because it's not at all what I'm interested in.
Hilarious stereotyping. Keep on going!
Honestly, the whole issue may be somewhat moot. Just because we start a forum for Preppers doesn't mean our membership is going to suddenly shoot through the roof. Our typical concern is that we aren't growing fast enough.
2-28-14, 7:34pm
The idea that we're even going to have this civilization-ending meltdown anytime in the near (or even reasonably distant) future or that it would be instantaneous or life-altering is absolutely ludicrous. I mean, come on!
climate change might be mostly likely. But everyone still has nukes too.
It makes me wonder if some of those preppers aren't actually fantasizing that sort of thing would happen.
I suspect so. If they randomly pop in and have little more to say than "Die Off!!!". Um ok.... doomster boards :laff: Such may or may not happen, the universe may not care, but it's pretty horrible from any human system of ethics.
I have not created this stereotype from a vacuum. I don't think this way. I didn't make it up. Lots of "preppers" talk this way.
Maybe I haven't been here long enough to be this presumptuous to state my position so vocally. But I did lurk here for awhile before I registered and read a lot of threads. I have also looked at a lot of other forums. I have seen the image of "prepper" as I've described it all over the web. I would hate to see this site attract that because it's not at all what I'm interested in.
Yea usually based on something encountered on the web (I've seen the "die off" said with glee, the talk of shooting people in the coming collapse, etc. - we're never supposed to be someone who would not shoot another person in such a scenario but it's certainly at least as valid a position to take as the opposite. In such a world is life even worth continuing? Besides the degree that planning for that becomes self-fulfilling socially. It's based on a certain subjectively taken view of human nature - not some kind of absolute truth). And one could say not all people who engage in emergency preparations (prepping) are this or that and that is no doubt true! But to the point where we deny words have connotations?
Forum title could be "emergency/disaster preparedness, building community resiliance for the future, and prepping" and the connotation would be different.
2-28-14, 7:45pm
I like Rob's proposal and also ANM's suggested title. If we get overrun with rabid EOTW doomsday psychos, we can just start a marathon salad-spinner discussion until they all go away :)
Okay, I'm a prepper, a doomer, etc. and I will contribute two things:
1) HELL NO to a special forum just to attract preppers -- there are plenty of us here already. Joe Dominguez foresaw the collapse of the financial system, Vicki Robin foresaw the collapse of the environment, and that's what underlies YMOYL, for goodness sakes. A special forum would either be redundant, or it would attract conversations that are not conducive/helpful to this community. Preppers are already welcome who emphasize the ethos of 'simple living so that others may simply live' -- fwiw so says this prepper.
!pow! (I don't actually have any guns, btw.)
2) Ya'll crack me up with this thread. Laugh out loud funny.
I like Rob's proposal and also ANM's suggested title. If we get overrun with rabid EOTW doomsday psychos, we can just start a marathon salad-spinner discussion until they all go away :)
After the zombies come, you will all have to dry your lettuce by hand, mark my words!!!
2-28-14, 9:40pm
Except there was no financial meltdown--they propped it all up before it happened.
Nuclear winter? Zombies? Sorry, I'd rather be dead. Especially if my lettuce wasn't thoroughly dry. I mean, wet lettuce really does ruin a salad...
We had an interesting event a few months ago - a nearly total telecommunications failure. No 911 working, no phone calls, no cells, no medical alert buttons working, no communications to be able to verify out-of-area prescriptions, grocery and hardware store unable to order supplies, etc. etc.
Several people died as a result. The economic fallout was pretty huge.
And the natives were getting quite restless. The visitors more so.
Here in my evil prepper communications bunker, I was sitting pretty...
And the natives were getting quite restless. The visitors more so.
They were probably distressed by all the people who were actually prepared for the emergency.
I seriously doubt many of the rabid type would come to stay.
3-1-14, 1:00am
Figured around here, the stereotype slant, would have been more listing the, you should buy gold crowd, rather then the Y2k, nuclear winter, complete collapse of the world slant. I am voting no, and if it does happen, then I would suggest one of the regular prepper posters get the moderator job for the section. Heck, if they want it, and it grows into the end of everything type of section, well, they should have been prepped for it.:laff:
A section with the title "emergency preparedness" would sit fine with me. It's a topic I'm interested in. I'm one of the evil gun hoarders (gasp - I have TWO pistols!). Hehehe:devil:
Bae raises a good point. Are we basing our views of prepping on our viewpoint of what the word means to us? Is it our individual thinking that is stereotypical. Since I have no idea what 'prepper' could mean, I have no view. It just sounds like a jargon type of word to me for someone to use like a jargon name for a car, etc. like a muscle car.
It is jargon, you are right. I would probably want to see the forum called "Emergency Preparedness" as Tradd suggests.
3-1-14, 1:08pm
Can we have a Preppie forum, too, where we all sit around feeling superior to those who wasted societal resource on private schools?
just kidding, I voted, sure, why not.
And if we ever do go under, societally speaking, I have enough seeds for everybody on this forum, so stop on by--even amaryllis seeds, Iris Lilies, from my own bulbs grown in SC
Can we have a Preppie forum, too, where we all sit around feeling superior to those who wasted societal resource on private schools?
just kidding, I voted, sure, why not.
And if we ever do go under, societally speaking, I have enough seeds for everybody on this forum, so stop on by--even amaryllis seeds, Iris Lilies, from my own bulbs grown in SC
yes! a preppie forum, too. Though we would not make fun of them. Old monied types tend to want to conserve and live simply (they don't want to touch their trust fund principle i.e. 'stach!) and so they could fit right in here. And think how funny the forum name would be, "Preppers and Preppies." I like it.
poll is a dead heat. So interesting.
I frequent another message board that has a "preppers" forum and seriously the majority of the people on there are over the top, if you get my drift.... so I vote no. This is NOT the place for that kind of extremism. Being stocked up to survive a storm is one thing, which I totally agree with, but prepping for the collapse of society as we know it gets pretty intense on that forum. Paranoia abounds....lots of religious zealots. Sometimes I read it just for the entertainment value. ;-)
Clearly the media recently with its gushing "preppers" reality shows has been quite successful in stereotyping folks. Yay!
I just got back from a walk around my "neighborhood" checking in with the neighbors, making sure folks had enough firewood close to their house and that the elderly/impaired had sufficient medications and so on, as we have a huge storm about to hit our mountain. Worked a bit with one neighbor clearing some downed wood on some driveways from the snow load we had several days ago. Helped one guy set up his radio so he could call out when the phones go down.
Yup, just a bunch of religious zealots, gun hoarders, and extremists.
3-1-14, 8:38pm
I vote yes. I live in the path of hurricanes and we think about how long we might need to live with no power, no water ( possible contamination), no communication. Of course it could attract an extreme person. I could be killed by a meteor tomorrow. No reason not to try. We should all take personal responsibility. The last thing I want to do is wait for the government.
Read this guys story and you will know why it is important. He is not selling anything. Great tips from someone who lost everything and the obstacles he faced and overcame.
3-2-14, 10:58am
Okay, now I have read all the threads, maybe switch my vote to no Preppers. I had no idea preppers had this undercurrent of last man standing-shoot-em up, at least that is what the words seems to connote?
Could we have a thread on higher education? Like does it matter if my kid went to Dartmouth, student loans, avoiding student loans, managing student loans, should I go back for an MA, that sort of thing? People are always wanting to talk about it.
I have only the vaguest perception of "preppers," so I voted yes. The more I think about it, I agree with Tradd that it should be called "Emergency Preparedness." Something we could all use.
I agree....maybe even "Emergency Preparedness while living simply". There are all sorts of potential emergencies.......hurricane/tornado/floods/power failures.......other than the end of the world or a government take-over.
Maybe in how it's worded and presented, it would attract the more moderate people.
3-2-14, 10:13pm
"I just got back from a walk around my "neighborhood" checking in with the neighbors, making sure folks had enough firewood close to their house and that the elderly/impaired had sufficient medications and so on, as we have a huge storm about to hit our mountain. Worked a bit with one neighbor clearing some downed wood on some driveways from the snow load we had several days ago. Helped one guy set up his radio so he could call out when the phones go down."
This is the kind of thing I thought we were talking about in an emergency preparation forum.
We lost power when we had our horse, and I panicked, thinking, what on earth are we going to do about water if the pump doesn't turn back on?
That's the kind of thing we could talk about--what do you do with the dogs when you are supposed to leave for a hurricane--we had that in SC.
3-3-14, 12:44am
We lost power when we had our horse, and I panicked, thinking, what on earth are we going to do about water if the pump doesn't turn back on?
Well, you can lead a horse to water.;)
I frequent another message board that has a "preppers" forum and seriously the majority of the people on there are over the top, if you get my drift.... so I vote no. This is NOT the place for that kind of extremism. Being stocked up to survive a storm is one thing, which I totally agree with, but prepping for the collapse of society as we know it gets pretty intense on that forum. Paranoia abounds....lots of religious zealots. Sometimes I read it just for the entertainment value. ;-)
I think the definition of "Preppers" varies from person to person. Some people feel prepping is just prepping while others are in survivalist mode. There are certainly some real intense types. If it makes people feel better to use another word to call it, that's fine.
iris lily
3-13-14, 10:31am
Bumping this up--the voting booth is closing tomorrow. Vote now or never!
I voted "no" because I think that emergency prep for natural or man-made disasters (or the imminent ZA - Zombie Apocalypse :-)!) can be discussed elsewhere on this forum. However, if you are going to have a new forum for it, then don't forget about the urban city dweller who lives in a dinky apt with no room to store extras for anything but a very short term disaster. I know most people on this forum are suburbanites or country folk who have both the space and land for both short and long term preparations, but the city dweller doesn't have that. So once their minimal food and water is gone, or their city infra structure erodes (look at NOLA during Katrina) and becomes less habitable, they won't have many means to help themselves. Those 10's of millions of urbanites in a big metro area like NYC will have to find a way to ride out disasters too. So I'd like to see a discussion that aims toward them as well as the country person who can grow food, have animals, stockpile rations, and has a well. Would also like to see discussions about what people who DO have the land and resources to ride out a disaster plan to do if their home and all their stockpiled resources are destroyed in a disaster.
Thanks for that thought, Spartana. I am an urban city dweller and live in a dinky apartment. In my other life I was a prepper before I ever heard the term. I grew my own food, bought meat from the guy who grew it, made all my own stuff like soap, laundry detergent and grooming products. Sewed our clothing, although I did not knit/crochet or cobble shoes. I still try to keep a decent pantry and make soap, but that is it. I could not conserve anything if my life depended on it, which certainly will be something I have to do when the zombiis come.
As long as us city-critters are not ridiculed or minimized, as often happens here to those who are even slightly out of sync or not able to 'properly' express one's self, I support that kind of information. This current winter is proof of my need to be more properly prepared.
Thanks for that thought, Spartana. I am an urban city dweller and live in a dinky apartment. In my other life I was a prepper before I ever heard the term. I grew my own food, bought meat from the guy who grew it, made all my own stuff like soap, laundry detergent and grooming products. Sewed our clothing, although I did not knit/crochet or cobble shoes. I still try to keep a decent pantry and make soap, but that is it. I could not conserve anything if my life depended on it, which certainly will be something I have to do when the zombiis come.
As long as us city-critters are not ridiculed or minimized, as often happens here to those who are even slightly out of sync or not able to 'properly' express one's self, I support that kind of information. This current winter is proof of my need to be more properly prepared.Well I almost voted "yes" just because it would then be a tie and I do love being obnoxious :-)! And a big part of me would love to see a prepper forum as I think it could be something useful for many people. But, as other's have pointed out, there seems to be a lot of different ideas and stereotypes (negative mostly) about what a prepper is. I think of it as someone who goes beyond just having some extra batteries and candles for a temporary blackout, but it doesn't seem most here are interested in talking about more extreme things (OK maybe not the Zombie Apocalypse but say a major area wide or even nation wide natural or man made disaster or long term disturbance - in "The Force" - or power grid at least :-)). I think those more extreme things would end up being talked about on a "prepper" forum and probably turn some others off (although I think I'd enjoy it - and I already have my tin foil hat ready!). So I think basic emergency prep stuff can be covered in any of the other forums.
So is this a "majority rules" vote, or a "are there enough people interested" vote?
If the former, can we all vote on the continued existence of some of the other forums...? :-)
(There seem to be ~20 people interested, which seems to indicate there might be some participation.)
iris lily
3-17-14, 11:03pm
So is this a "majority rules" vote, or a "are there enough people interested" vote?
If the former, can we all vote on the continued existence of some of the other forums...? :-)
(There seem to be ~20 people interested, which seems to indicate there might be some participation.)
There is some interest in a separate forum about readiness/disaster preparedness, and I think that is an appropriate simple living topic. So let's see how much participation happens in the thread I started, or start you own.
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