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Thread: Your language: G-rated?

  1. #31
    Senior Member Greg44's Avatar
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    I have to admit I do curse on occasion...many times it is light hearted...Why that S.O.B., etc. When I drop something, especially in the kitchen, I often will say, Oh, S--t but am very proud of myself when I don't.

    I am very careful at work, because most of my co-workers have no trouble dropping F-bombs and being their boss I have told them bad language is not acceptable in the work place.

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    I've identified myself as G-rated. I was in a family restaurant last week and the young men in the booth behind us were f-ing every 3rd word (not exaggerting). For those 'sailors' and others, a that okay?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldensmom View Post
    I've identified myself as G-rated. I was in a family restaurant last week and the young men in the booth behind us were f-ing every 3rd word (not exaggerting). For those 'sailors' and others, a that okay?
    For this old sailor it ISN'T OK. I really hate to hear people cussing continuously - especially if older people or families and kids are present. I don't cuss myself for the most part, and don't really like hearing others do it. I am not prudish or squeamish in any way but just think it shows lack of respect for other's who may be within hearing range. I also won't date a guy who cusses a lot. If he swears occasionally and then apologises that's OK, but no continual cussing or they are out! Well... they are out AFTER they take me to dinner :-)!

  4. #34
    Senior Member The Storyteller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldensmom View Post
    I've identified myself as G-rated. I was in a family restaurant last week and the young men in the booth behind us were f-ing every 3rd word (not exaggerting). For those 'sailors' and others, a that okay?
    I think that is a matter of manners rather than bad language. I am always cognizant of my language depending on my company. I'm also careful not to burp or fart in the company of strangers or those I suspect might be embarrassed or offended.

    When I am with those I'm closest to, though, my language is much more free and relaxed. I have to wonder if these young men were even aware of their surroundings or volume during their conversation. If not, it can be forgiven, and I have been known to point out to strangers when their language might offend, whether it offends me or not. Almost universally they are apologetic and either drop their tone or alter their language.

    If they were aware but just didn't care, however, I would suggest they were just rude little sh**s.

    (Self-censored so as not to offend delicate sensibilities.)
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