The word "exploit" has gotten a bad name. Of course, it is often thought of as abusive. But there is a proper use for it when it means to use to its fullest benefit. Don't worry for the Earth. The Earth has been around a long time and will continue.....perhaps with many more Walmart bags floating in the seas but it will continue. However, threatened.
Humankind threatens itself. But also has the capacity to right wrongs. I see the future brightly. It is in our dreaming. I am not an animist but I don't have to be to be a good conservationist. What I conserve today is undone by the waste of my neighbor. Yet, it is worthy of me to try.
Peace and and prosperity has always been a football tossed around by the corporate political controlling parties. Always their idea of peace and their prosperity at the cost of the rest of the population.
i do not see the world coming together in one wonderful choreographed hand holding circle. I change only what I can and that is what is in me. The others are ......the others.