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Thread: Who here donates, platelets, blood platelets

  1. #1
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Who here donates, platelets, blood platelets

    DH and I donate whole blood. We got back into the habit in recent months after Covid died down.

    Today the Red Cross called to ask if we would swap out our whole blood appointment for a platelet appointment. The appointment for platelets takes 2 to 3 hours and two arms.

    Jesus. That right there is a problem for me because three hours? Are you kidding? And then two arms might be a problem for me because I’ve never really had good luck with veins in one arm.

    i’m not ready to try it yet, but I will talk to the Red Cross ladies about my concerns when I see them on Wednesday.

    I’m sure they have a hard time getting volunteers for this because of the time involved, and also because they have to be done at a blood center, not a mobile unit because it needs special equipment.

    Does anyone here donate platelets regularly?
    Last edited by iris lilies; 6-4-23 at 4:57pm.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I've never weighed enough to donate any type of blood products. DH donated platelets once or twice, and they let him watch him a movie during the process.

  3. #3
    Senior Member flowerseverywhere's Avatar
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    I've been donating since nursing school, many many gallons. Red, double red and platelets. When I have four free hours starting at noon, I donate platelets as the donor center is 30 minutes away and latest starting time is 12:30. I did not miss a donation all through Covid. When a 20 year old nephew was hit by a drunk driver multiple units saved his life. It justifies my time knowing someone somewhere might get a chance to live.

    They provide you with a movie and you are in a comfortable lounge chair. I find the time slot challenging, but if I can do it I do. double reds I often cannot do when my hemoglobin is not high enough. So I do red.

    Give it a try if you can. Use the restroom first

  4. #4
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flowerseverywhere View Post
    I've been donating since nursing school, many many gallons. Red, double red and platelets. When I have four free hours starting at noon, I donate platelets as the donor center is 30 minutes away and latest starting time is 12:30. I did not miss a donation all through Covid. When a 20 year old nephew was hit by a drunk driver multiple units saved his life. It justifies my time knowing someone somewhere might get a chance to live.

    They provide you with a movie and you are in a comfortable lounge chair. I find the time slot challenging, but if I can do it I do. double reds I often cannot do when my hemoglobin is not high enough. So I do red.

    Give it a try if you can. Use the restroom first
    see, that’s one of the things that worries me, my bladder lasts 1.5 hours I know because that’s how long it takes to drive from St. Louis city to Hermann. I suppose I could watch my liquid intake, but you’re supposed to be very hydrated when you go in to give blood.

    I have no idea what double red means!

  5. #5
    Senior Member JaneV2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    see, that’s one of the things that worries me, my bladder lasts 1.5 hours I know because that’s how long it takes to drive from St. Louis city to Hermann. I suppose I could watch my liquid intake, but you’re supposed to be very hydrated when you go in to give blood.

    I have no idea what double red means!
    I feel pretty chuffed about my four-hour bladder now...

  6. #6
    Senior Member flowerseverywhere's Avatar
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    Double red means that they separate the red blood cells and return the rest of the components back to you along with saline to make up for the volume. Essentially they filter twice as much blood so they get twice as many red blood cells. It takes more than twice as long as a regular donation. you can only do this three times a year, as opposed to six, however it is the same amount of red cells in the end.

  7. #7
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Today at the blood donation center I talked to the staff about donating platelets. They had trouble finding my vein as they often do and they switched arms to use the arm I haven’t used in several years. Anyway – the person who drew my blood shook her head and said lady, you don’t have the veins to give platelets.

    So I’m off the hook, I don’t even have to make a try at it.

    and Jane, congratulations on having a four hour bladder! At our age, that is a good place to be.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 6-7-23 at 10:57pm.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Teacher Terry's Avatar
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    I have a 2 hour bladder).

  9. #9
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    the Red Cross keeps bugging me via phone about donating platelets so I am chugging water and will go in Monday morning to make an attempt. Either it will work , or it won’t. The Red Cross phone lady said my donation center may have a “one arm kit” that they could use since I think it is unlikely they can get needles in both arms.

    Whatever the outcome, I want the incessant Red Cross mailings and phone calls to go away. I am happy to donate IF I AM ABLE although successful platelet donations take place more frequently than whole blood so that is a bigger time suck. We shall see.

  10. #10
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    My friend and I went back to donate blood yesterday at the fire hall drive. It was during the storm, we had an appointment and they took us right away as no one was there. It was quick- an hour or so. We've both donated frequently over the years. I think I have a gallon pin. I am irritated that they won't take walk ins and that they nag incessantly via phone and email. This makes me grumpy, but it is worth doing when it fits my schedule. My friend has very skinny veins and it hurts when the needle goes in. Me- chubby body and chubby veins! I've not done platelets, just whole blood. I'm A Positive but my friend is O Postive so they REALLY want her blood!!! It was a great day and something useful to do. Let us know how it went IL.

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