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Thread: Religion Calling

  1. #21
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Okay-----Here's a littlebitty tidbit of useless information, that nobody cares about, at all, either. Nope. Even Ukrainia is waaaaay more important. But yeah----there usta be a Unity church in a littlebitty town waaaay up north, in the middle-o-nowhere. The photo below shows the site. So anyway---the church was on the corner, until the 60's or 70's, when a gent named Jentzen acquired it and knocked 'er down and built 'partments. That's progress, for ya. It is a walkable area, tho. But guess what? The former parsonage is still standing & occupied! To the right of the 'partments. Isn't that amayzeen? Hope that helps you some. Edited to add: I said them 'partments were walkable. But see---back then, there were 2 or 3 grocery stores close by. But they ain't there now. One oo;' 'em got turned inta a pizza factory! Yup. But, there's still a lirrrarrarry close by. So there's that.2023-04-25 (12).jpg2023-04-25 (12).jpg
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 4-26-23 at 2:21pm.

  2. #22
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Okay----Zurra, being the cultural and natural wonderland that it is, makes the nooz again. But yeah----a nun was found to be in an amazing and awesome state of preservation, after 4 years in her grave. Yup. There are numerous news stories online, that can give you the scoop. Hope that helps you kids some. Thankk mee.2023-05-28.jpg2023-05-28 (1).jpg2023-05-28 (2).jpg2023-05-28 (2).jpg2023-05-15 (4).jpg

  3. #23
    Senior Member Teacher Terry's Avatar
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    There’s a Unity church locally and it has a more religious bent than Unitarian. I find unitarian weird because it’s a church that’s not really religious. It’s more like a club. Through my life I have been to many different churches. I understand why people believe because it’s comforting and makes them feel better.

  4. #24
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teacher Terry View Post
    There’s a Unity church locally and it has a more religious bent than Unitarian. I find unitarian weird because it’s a church that’s not really religious. It’s more like a club. Through my life I have been to many different churches. I understand why people believe because it’s comforting and makes them feel better.
    Exactly, TT. But yeah--a good many people do NOT find the focus on a gory torture-execution of an upstart leader to be very comforting. That's why they'd rather belong to a church community that is philosophical, rather than dwelling on historical events. Yup. You can take that to the bank. Thank mee.2023-05-15 (4).jpg

  5. #25
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----you kids----the picayune & ar among you----can find fault with littlebittymee for not using caps and minimal punctualtion and not correcting mistakes, but i have saved considerable energy in not doing so. see? it's about like the 55 mph speed limit we used to have. the speedballs waste energy and wear out their vehicles for no good reason; even 70 mph is not fast enough. nope. more on this subject later. but yeah----i founded my own church several years ago, but really---no one else wants to join. so in the meantime---until i get kicked out or something, i been attending a church that is 9 easy miles away. if i do get kicked out, there are at least a dozen other congregations between here & there, and prolly in the hundreds, overall around here. but i chose this one and like it so far for several reasons: a dress code, of sorts. no tats, no piercings, no long-haired males. no ranting fundy preacher; in fact---there is no preacher! no enormous church campus and buildings, no stained glass, no statues, no pictures, best of all no bloody crucifixes depicticting suffering. there IS a large clock on the wall of the chapel showing the zact time, and the people with restless kids and crying babies are gracious enough to sit in the rear, near exits to the hallway & restroom. how do you like that? another coincidence is that the young girl i used to stalk up in ak also is a member of the same denomination, and so we can relate on the subject. so, that's a plus. as you kids know, i am not much of a conversationalist because i only like to discuss my trips to the wreckin' yard & catts & huskees and a few other subjects of little interest to normies. but yeah---hope that helps you kids some. thankk mee.

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