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Thread: Come to Chicago

  1. #11
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogar View Post
    I can get a little nostalgic over the time I shared a drink with Bobby Seale back in the 80's. I assume The Trial of the Chicago 7 is still running on Netflix. A little too much Hollywood to be a pure documentary, but an interesting time in our history.

    Though your brother's bound and gagged
    And they've chained him to a chair
    Won't you please come to Chicago
    Just to sing
    aw, I can’t claim fame to having drinks with a Panther, but once I had lunch with the live-in boyfriend of Bernadine Dorn, the guy who lived with her around the time of The Troubles*

    *bombing, killings, murders, you know, that kind of disruptive protest
    Last edited by iris lilies; 8-19-24 at 5:56pm.

  2. #12
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    In others words, just hate ‘em.
    I realize most people don’t surf the Fox News comments section like I do. But assuming those comments are representative the majority of maga seems positively gleeful at the idea of chaos at the convention. And that’s ignoring the 10-20% that gleefully believe that they will somehow prevent the election from even happening in November and then trump will somehow magically get back in charge.

  3. #13
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jp1 View Post
    I realize most people don’t surf the Fox News comments section like I do. But assuming those comments are representative the majority of maga seems positively gleeful at the idea of chaos at the convention. And that’s ignoring the 10-20% that gleefully believe that they will somehow prevent the election from even happening in November and then trump will somehow magically get back in charge.
    I've never read the Fox News comments section, but from your description it sort of sounds like the 'Why Not To Vote Republican' thread here which was very active for several years. Like our thread, I suspect you're reading comments from just a small number of people who simply hate their perceived opposition. Personally, I'll admit being curious about just how 'mostly peaceful' the DNC protests will be and look forward to seeing how they'll be represented in the media, and here.

    I'm also curious about your claim that 10-20% believe they will prevent the election from happening. How are they going to do that?
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  4. #14
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    I suppose I will just shrug my shoulders at anyone that thinks that the comment section of fox ‘news’ is fringe. And then laugh at them when Kamala beats their sorry asses in November and then drift back into the irrelevance that they lived in before 2016.

  5. #15
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    OMG, I'm so surprised at myself. I watched most of the DNC coverage last night and almost made it through Joe's speech before getting tired and going to bed. I finished watching the last 20 minutes just now, and I'm crying! Like, sobbing! I thought the last few minutes of his speech were so touching. Maybe I'm way too naive about politics, but there was something about the way he spoke of his 50 year contribution to the country--the lyrics of the song American Anthem; his line "I was too young to be Senator, and now I'm too old to be President" that just got to me. Maybe because he illustrates what ultimately happens to us all, despite all we do in our lives, despite our best intentions. You can say what you want about Joe, but I think he's a good man and he gave a good speech last night.

    Now to go get some Kleenex.

    ETA: The New York Times, on its front page coverage of the convention, basically just kicked Joe to the curb. Hardly any mention of the speech and when there was a mention, it was disparaging. OTOH, CNN did a much better job.
    I used to think the NYT and WSJ were about as objective as is possible in today's world, but both of those newspapers have become much more politicized
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    OMG, I'm so surprised at myself. I watched most of the DNC coverage last night and almost made it through Joe's speech before getting tired and going to bed. I finished watching the last 20 minutes just now, and I'm crying! Like, sobbing! I thought the last few minutes of his speech were so touching. Maybe I'm way too naive about politics, but there was something about the way he spoke of his 50 year contribution to the country--the lyrics of the song American Anthem; his line "I was too young to be Senator, and now I'm too old to be President" that just got to me. Maybe because he illustrates what ultimately happens to us all, despite all we do in our lives, despite our best intentions. You can say what you want about Joe, but I think he's a good man and he gave a good speech last night.

    Now to go get some Kleenex.

    ETA: The New York Times, on its front page coverage of the convention, basically just kicked Joe to the curb. Hardly any mention of the speech and when there was a mention, it was disparaging. OTOH, CNN did a much better job.
    I used to think the NYT and WSJ were about as objective as is possible in today's world, but both of those newspapers have become much more politicized
    CNN gushed about how moving and profound it was, as if he was some kind of Cincinnatus voluntarily stepping down for the good of the nation. The people who pushed him out all clapped and smiled. It struck me as about as genuine as a professional wrestling match. But this entire cycle is shaping up to be entirely substance-free.

  7. #17
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDAHL View Post
    CNN gushed about how moving and profound it was, as if he was some kind of Cincinnatus voluntarily stepping down for the good of the nation. The people who pushed him out all clapped and smiled. It struck me as about as genuine as a professional wrestling match. But this entire cycle is shaping up to be entirely substance-free.
    The history books will show Biden gave up running again and will not expose the closed door machinations of Nancy Pelosi to force him out.

    Unfortunately, my ire is abating with the passage of time, ire at the team that hid Biden’s incapacity for so long.
    I feel I might give Kamala my vote. Ugh. I do not want to carry hate in my heart like JP1 does, yet these lying liars (those who surround Biden and prop him up) need a slapdown.

  8. #18
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LDAHL View Post
    CNN gushed about how moving and profound it was, as if he was some kind of Cincinnatus voluntarily stepping down for the good of the nation. The people who pushed him out all clapped and smiled. It struck me as about as genuine as a professional wrestling match. But this entire cycle is shaping up to be entirely substance-free.
    Yes, CNN did gush, but in a sense their gushing matched my own reaction more closely than the NYT. I did cringe a little when I saw Pelosi pumping her "we love you, Joe" sign.

    IL, I agree that the Democratic Party can be very, very wily. I still harbor resentment in terms of how they+Clintons treated Bernie back in 2016.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  9. #19
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    There were many less pro-Palestinian protestors yesterday than were expected. LOL.

  10. #20
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tradd View Post
    There were many less pro-Palestinian protestors yesterday than were expected. LOL.
    Any fun signs about killing Jews, tho?

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