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Thread: Very Important Subjects

  1. #1141
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----I came up with yet another BRILLIANT idea for repurposing that unsightly eyesore that absolutely positively RUINS the otherwise picturesque little village of Herman, Zurra. See-----what they needta to is turn it into an abbatoir, and yup---process horses for export to Quebec & the ZMother Country, France. I know you kids like sitting in an airport and sitting on a plane watching moo-vvvees and then sitting in a classy(expensive) rist-o-rante, looking at a menu and deciding what culinary delight suits your appetite. oui, oui---ze filly filets are dee-licious, madame. So yeah---they can bring the old nags that the amish don't need, cause they're too old to pull a plow or whatever--or even the wagon to church-----process them, and export the "product"" to French-speaking areas of the world. Doesn't that sound like a grand idea? Hope that helps you kids some. Thankk mee.

  2. #1142
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----random subject: conversing with people from that littlebitty town waaaay up north in the middle-o-nowhere. if i had nothing better to do, i'd write a satire. but yeah---when you converse with Those People, you're sure to be pimped. "pimping" in the Iwah way, is to make a comment tailor-made for you, to embarass, annoy, and achieve superiority by making some half-(or less than)true assertion in a VERY confident tone. Usually, with a toothpick hanging out of their mouth. Also---another tactic is a cautionary comment. Taking something disastrous they saw on tee-vee, and applying it to you, with a worst-case scenario. Again, usually with a toothpick hanging outta their mouth. They eat a lot of BIG cuts of meat up there, 'cause it's the Meat State. Swhy the need Mexxicans. Yup. Next time: mannerisms & comments typical of Those People, like Huh! or Ha! in a smart-alecky way. See? But there's more. Like saying "Yup" or "Awwwwsummm" and "Ah-May-Zeen". or every word that ends in -ing is pronounced as if it's "eeen". Example: "We're go-een to a wedd-een". See? there's other stuff, but thats it, for now. Thankk Mee.

  3. #1143
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I decided ta use caps, again, for you kidses' benefit. Also, a limited amount of punctuation. But, the sentence structure & paragraph-ing stays the same. Not what you learned in 8th grade, in order to please your anal comp teacher. See? So anyway---I was reading about the Pres. Election of '68, and as part of my research related my findings to my known-fanaticrat test subjects. But yeah---they rejected it almost immediately, and were offended & dismissive and responded with comments such-as "so you want to return to slavery"? and crap like that. Two plus two plus two equals 222 to a libtard, evidently. Anyway, I my point was that among the 1968 candidates were Hugo Hubert Humphrey and of course Tricky Dick Nixon and of course George Wallace, all well-qualified candidates, compared to todays' lot. You may not like them, based on your perceptions of what they were like, since noneya kids were even born then, but they were good men who did what they believed was best. Also, there was Pat Paulsen, whom I supported at the time, since he would've been the first Norwegian-American President of the USA; a milestone, there. Yup. At the Republican Convention to choose candy-dates(yes, Virginia---they still had real conventions, then), there was George Romney, and he also was VERY respected and well-qualified. I reckon he hadta run as a Repub & not a 'Crat, since he was a former auto executive and not a Union Gangster. Dems always support the organized gangsters, don't they? Or else? But see---Romney had been born in Mexico, was like I said an auto executive and then Governor of Michigan. He had been the head of Hudson and Nash after they merged to form American Motors. I miust add that he believed Americans drove and drove and drove too-large gas guzzlers, which was spot-on. You bet. So, he woulda been an excellent President, but maybe not popular. Plus, he was a Mormon with no College Degree, which was a disqualification, even now. Just worked his way up the ladder. You don't see that any more. Nope. Later on, his boy, Mitt, ran for POTUS, but his likeability factor was low with me due to his tenure with Bain Capital. Not good, at that particular time, when many Americans were in distress. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

  4. #1144
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I guess since no one has posted anything today---I'll hafta been the first. But yerah---I reckon you kids are either out doing YARD WORK!!! or maybe going on a drive-n-eat with the GRAAAANDKIDS! That being said, I will hafta delve into one a my pet subjects, that being GrandKid Grandiosity. The Family Values People are VERY enthusiastic, when it comes ta GRANDKID GRANDIOSITY. So, anyway---more on that topic, later. Yup. Hope that helps you some. Thankk Mee.

  5. #1145
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----where was I? So anyway----I been needing a storage for my bikes, since my bike shed is full & to work in there at night or whenever, I hafta pull bikes out and leave them outside, and tarp them, which really isn't good. So yeah----last year I bought a really nice old GMC Sonoma bed(the same one the doors came offa), and set it on a two-wheeler in the backyard next to my shed. Well---I wenta the wreckin' yard last weekend, and there was a 94 Ford explorer with a bed topper on it. It isn't a direct match--slightly, slightly wider, but it will work for my purposes as a cover for the Sonoma Bed, to use for storage. It has tinted, openable windowsa on all sides, for access. I just needta get a long wooden pallet from the farm supply dumpster to go in there. This way, I can store bikes in out of the weather, not under tarps, and put ny bike stand in the shed, now that there's room. See? But yeah----elderly littlebittymee drug that pickup bed canopy from the furthest reaches of the wreckin' yard, to the front gate. Guess I'm not what you'd call "Middle Class", am I? Ha.

  6. #1146
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---went backta the wreckin' yard, and took my 4-way lug wrench & pulled four wheels offa a van like mine, but a 78 year model. The same one I pulled the windshield out of. Too bad they junked that van, but the only thing I can do is salvage summa the useful parts, so I did. Also, while I was there, I spotted a 70's model Chevy 1-ton, and pulled the front stabilizer bar offa it. That piece is getting harder to find. But yeah---you can use a 1-ton front bar on a 3/4 or 1/2 or even a G-series Van---which I'll do. It's larger in diameter. Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

  7. #1147
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----tonite was sposta be the last official cruise nite of the season,m which I guess you can still cruise any nite you want, but the local gestapo is lifting the grace period. So, anyway---after I finished mowing and washing dishes, I drove the whole 2 miles to my spot at O'Reillys. but yeah---the cruisers were repaving the street up at the intersection with rubber, from both directions. Every now and then a city cop or a state butrol car would go by, but didn't seem to be focused detaining anyone. They can find their client base downtown, committing more serious offenses. I did not see any of the participants or spectators consuming alcoholic beverages, nor any empties. But here was MJ smoke in the air, along with the tire smoke. It was a diverse mix of vehicles, too; but not one 58 Packard. Ha. I forgot my phone, but tomorrow I might go up ta the intersection, and take a photo of the black marks all over the pavement, and also the sidewalk that's been torn up for two months; and the building thats been vacant, for as long as I've lived here. None of that would even be tolerated in that littlebitty village waaaay up north in the middle o' nowhere; they liketa keep things looking tidy, to pretend they are efficient and that it's a swell place to live. Ha. Yeah Sure, You Bet. Yup. I had to add this---wouldn't ya know it--there were a coupla Teslas out cruising; a sedan and the pickup. I only saw each of them once. But yeah---they both pulled hole shots and did not waste time getting across the intersection. Very torquey vehicles, up to about 40 mph. Yup. Al, get out your checkbook. Thankk mee.

  8. #1148
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---last weekend, I replaced the fuel pump in my 87 Suburban, and also held a meeting of the HBCC. Had to get out and DRIVE all the way to the MPO, a round-trip distance of 10 miles. But no---I did not do any lumberjack logger stuff or sit on a plane allllllll the way ta central Europe. Nope no time to waste on that stuff. Hope that helps you kidz. Thankk mee.

  9. #1149
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Okay----good news: There is a new kid in town, located in the old 'chine shop up here that I heard was gonna be razed to make way for some classy(stupid) stuff. That may be---but a guy is selling doors and pieces of plywood--not 4x8 sheets but like 43 x 43. Yup. So yeah---I called & then went by & picked up 2 doors & 5 pieces of plywood. Anyway---got 'em all loaded in my car, and figuring how where I will unload them. That said, I know you kidz will respond by saying: LBB, WHY do you need all of that STUFF??? Followed by: you could've gone to a nice rest-o-rant specializing in Bulgarian Food(or whatever), and had a yummy & delish meal, instead. Just hire a reputable contractor, open up an account giving them a line of credit, and let them handle it, while you have FUN. Ha. So yeah--I told the guy II'd be back again, later. Yup. But anyway---it's for my backyard cottage project. See?

  10. #1150
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---I needta go ta the wreckin' yard and take the inside door panel outta the 78 Chevy they have there. Also, the rear door panels. See---they were optional, and my 91 G20 doesn't have door panels. They basically serve two purposes: To keep the heat in and cold out or vice-versa AND as interior noise reduction. Yup. I'll let you know how this trip two 1/2 miles away turns out. Yup.

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