Quote Originally Posted by jp1 View Post
To be fair ldahl doesn’t actually defend him. He just states that he believes that NO MATTER WHAT our constitutional form of government will survive just fine regardless of who is president. It’s an absurd belief but he’s stuck with it as one of his core beliefs for as long as he’s been posting here.
You’re right. I cling to the absurd belief that we are not in fact one vote away from an American Reich. We survived Lincoln suspending habeas corpus. We survived Wilson cracking down on free speech to an extent beyond the dreams of the Disinformation Governance Board. We survived FDR trying to pack the SCOTUS when it stood in the way of some of his more egregious power grabs. We even survived him putting people into camps the way Rachel Maddow claims to fear. We can survive a pair of twits like Trump and Harris.

Democrats have been calling Republicans fascists almost as long as there have been fascists. I, like many others, have discounted that accusation based on decades of wolf-crying.

If America falls, it won’t be to some braying buffoon. It will be chipped away bit by bit by compassionate authoritarians who believe they know our interests better than we do. Who believe they must protect us from disinformation and dangerous ideas. Who feel it their duty to enforce their concepts of “equity” on the unenlightened masses.