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Thread: Packard coming back

  1. #41
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    okay---the like-new parkin' lite housings arrived here, but i hafta ship the lenses i got from another seller, because they fit 57, not 58. So anyway, the little fender ornaments that ONLY fit 58 Packards got here, along with the park light housings. There were only 1875 cars made, total, that used those specific parts. Yup. So, yeah---they're RARE. Also, the sellers return address is for a person who is VERY well-known in Studebakerdom. Yup. Very well-known. So, I nay as well save the boxes as long as I can, since they were sent by a noted person. Yup. That's prestige, dude. Be like if you sent away for some muss--dang parts, and they came in a box from Carroll Shelby, right? Well, Ford Fanatics definitely WOULD keep the box! Better believe it.

  2. #42
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---here's a photo of Big Eds 58 Packard. How do you like that? Don't know much else, except two things: Ed is/was a mighty big wheel
    (xx44444)in the world o' S-P owners, and he very kindly sold me summa his spare parts! How do ya like that? I'll prolly save the boxes he sent them in, for posterity. Big Ed was in SFD, prolly about 2010, IIRC. (see photo)
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 12-27-24 at 6:49pm.

  3. #43
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    okay-----found another ebayer that is selling old, obsolete used stud-o-baker-Packkerd parts. But yeah---evidently he has or did part out a 58 sedan like mine, and so anyway---i'm acquiring summa the moldings and stuff. Get 'em when you can, I always say! Yup.

  4. #44
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    okay---here's another one. An olllllld 58L-J8. Yup.(see photo) But yeah----take a good, long look; you will prolly never see another one in your life. They are THAT rare! It has wrong-o-hubcaps and hood bezel, but anyway fairly decent-looking car. Another thing is, notice the repurposed file cabinets in the background. I recently was able to purchase a set of these lateral files at auction, which are 20+ years old, for pennies on the dollar! See, see, see? Hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

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