okay-----cops bagged this gal for drunk-n-driving; this place is chock full o' BAD GIRLS, from drunken drivers to mommy-killers to lewd nude pedestrians! But yeah---they needta DO SOMETHING about these people here. Yup.
okay-----cops bagged this gal for drunk-n-driving; this place is chock full o' BAD GIRLS, from drunken drivers to mommy-killers to lewd nude pedestrians! But yeah---they needta DO SOMETHING about these people here. Yup.
okay-----one o' the newest residents o' the local jail(see photo). So anyway---what did she do? Forget to return a lirrrarrry book? Shoplift some cosmetics a walmart? Nope, not hardly. But yeah---she was arrested for being in possession of 640 Grams o' Fentanyl, killer drug. Yup. That is a whole lotta that stuff.
okay---I've told you kids many times: "Dude---crime RUNS RAMPANT here". Yup. Well, they just hauled this little gal inta jail, for beating her 1 1/2 year old.(see photo). Prolly tryin' ta discipline her. Ha. But yeah---I hope you kids don't beat your toddlers. Yup.
okay-----you kids'll be glad ta know something about Zurra's 3rd-largest city: That they got high-culture along with ALPHABET People here! An guess what? one o' 'em got nabbed fer drunk-n-driving New Year Eve! (see photo). That fact is eliciting lotta clever comments on the SFD WTF? F-book group. Ha. But yeah---the accused is on the faculty at Droopy Drawers U, and a Craig-Hall-Type(theater major) grad of MSU. Yup. Maybe, just maybe "he" sells Mary Kay as a side hustle. Ha. Hope that helps you some.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-2-25 at 1:56pm.
okay----there was a murder at one a the redneck discos here. A ssuspect is in custody. But yeah---they repurposed a large building used as a Bingo Parlor inta this place for the young rednecks n' bronkin' bucks ta get wild and crazy on a Satterdy night, and they do, ev-o-dently. There are calls for this place ta be shut down, like happened to the other ones. Too much rough stuff, I guess. Yup. But hey---ya gotta have recreation for the young locals, so they don't leave. Ha. (no photo available) Thankk mee. edited to add: Da po-leese made a arress, suspect-in-custody. But yeah---the one 'cused o' doing the shooting in the lot o' the redneck joint is a bro'. Get the rope, storm the jail. Hope that helps y'all sum. Yup.
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-3-25 at 2:07pm.
okay----some stats here for you kids. But yeah----crime runs rampant, here (see photo). Yup.
okay---this good ol girl got sentenced to some time for setting a house full o' people on fire. But, I reckon she'll be out in awhile. The devvill made her do it, probly. (see photo)
okay----this just in----this gal got arrested for suspicion o' murder. Didn't say who the victim is. No more details, except they implied SHE might be a "victim" too. Ha. (see photo)
okay----this local gal was a teacher in one a the nearby bedroom communities. So, anyway---she went ta court, and got probation for "dating" one a the kids. Yup. Grrrls just wanna have fun. Yup. (see photo)
Last edited by littlebittybobby; 1-23-25 at 11:59pm. Reason: `````````1
okay---another scofflaw in custody. But yeah---those italian-american ladies are hot, aren't they? Her stats indicate she's getting a little chunky, but that what happens. Yup.(see photo)
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