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Thread: How is your balance?

  1. #11
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----I got to thinking about this, and I was thinking Oswald, Oswald, Oswald. Finally, I realized that LHO was identified in the 1981 exhumation of his remains partially by a hole in the mastoid bone in his skull, as indicated by his medical records. It's that hard spot behind your outer ear. So anyway----sometimes your inner ear develops an infection that is/was cured by an operation of that type. Anyway---symptoms are tinnitus, balance issues, headache, etc. So yeah---I would get it checked.

  2. #12
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I can do the balance test when I walk at a quicker pace. It’s just walking sloooooooowly that does me in.

  3. #13
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---more possibilities: blood pressure medications and statins(cholsterol-lowering drugs). They will do it too. That's why people stop taking them. It's really a trade-off--feel lousy or live somewhat longer. Of course, I'm not an MD, so you might need to consult one. Yup.

  4. #14
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay---more possibilities: blood pressure medications and statins(cholsterol-lowering drugs). They will do it too. That's why people stop taking them. It's really a trade-off--feel lousy or live somewhat longer. Of course, I'm not an MD, so you might need to consult one. Yup.
    I take blood pressure medicine that sometimes makes me lighthead when I donate blood. The last time it was kinda fun, I spaced out at the end of the donation process, just faded away.

    I have NEVER fainted or even been much lightheaded before and this happens only when I give blood and then, not every time.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 2-5-25 at 9:27am.

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Interesting enough, I've discovered that my "walking" balance is fine, but I have some trouble doing one-legged "standing" balance. Need to work on that.
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