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Thread: The Daily Rave

  1. #2661
    Senior Member
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    That is a heck of a commute. I would also be happy to leave that behind if I could. The twenty mile one might be a lot better, but I couldn't handle the night day shifts--my son is a night shift worker and has trouble if he has to shift temporarily to day. With the essential worker thing, can someone pick you up in bad weather? That would be a rule out for me. But don't you have that now, with the worse commute?

  2. #2662
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Well, we got a goodly amount of snow in our little North Carolina town. And as there is very little in the way of snow removal equipment, our town has come to a standstill. Most everything's shut down.

    Yesterday, for the first time since we lived in Michigan quite a few years ago, we got to shovel our sidewalk and un-bury the cars. No snow shovel so we improvised with the garden shovel, a push broom and a regular was good to get some exercise and get rosy cheeks!

    So quiet with no traffic to be heard. It's so peaceful, truth told.

    No errands to run, no doctor or dental appointments...

    And plentiful books to read-- and as we still have power--this forum to peruse and movies to view.

    Thanks, Nature for this pause...
    peaceful, easy feeling

  3. #2663
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Snow CAN be a beautiful pause, agreed.

    our recent snowfall came with ice, so that stuff is NASTY. I am so glad to be retired and I don’t have to figure out how to get to work.

    My tiny town has 4 vehicles they can use as snow plows. They did a great job on our icy streets, a difficult task.

    In the 30+ years I lived in the city of St. Louis we never once saw a snowplow on our street. Their policy was to plow only “snow routes.” And that is fine except we do live in a winter environment so snow comes here.

    I remember when we first moved ro St. Louis and had big snows. We were from the frozen tundra of Northern Iowa. We asked neighbors when the snow plows would come to oir neighborhood and they just laughed at us.

    Taxes are less than half here than in the city.

  4. #2664
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    Klunick, Ugh on the 65 miles one-way commute! Been there, done that, but way back when I was way younger! I also get the time switches. I'm 2nd shift, unless there is no school or 1/2 day of school. Then I usually go in at 6:30 a.m. Going in that early, after just working until 11:30pm the night before, is a pita. Unless, of course, the 6:30 a.m. falls on a Monday. LOL.

    I also understand the reactions after giving notice. I'll be submitting my Intent to Retire letter next week and I'm curious to see what - if anything - may happen.
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  5. #2665
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Snow shoveling is a good alternative to yard and garden maintenance, which I'm usually tiered of by the end of fall leaf pickup.

    We've barely crawled above freezing and in a routine of light snowfall every few days for the last week or so. It is a good time to kick back, read, eat warm foods, and reflect. And sleep in under warm blankets on cold mornings. We usually have days of sun and warmer temperatures when the snow goes away before the next one, which is nice. I'd not want to live a place without real seasons or where snow stays on the ground most of the winter.
    "what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

  6. #2666
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    Whenever I get tired of the cold and snow here, I remind myself of the relentless heat of Texas. I know that I can have a real summer here whereas that stopped in June there because of the heat. Both situations force me to stay inside more than I like however.

  7. #2667
    Senior Member catherine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinkytoe View Post
    Whenever I get tired of the cold and snow here, I remind myself of the relentless heat of Texas. I know that I can have a real summer here whereas that stopped in June there because of the heat. Both situations force me to stay inside more than I like however.
    I agree. Our summers are so nice, but too short.

    Today is a nice day. 26 degrees and sunny. No wind. Balmy. I was outside shoveling for a while.
    "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every, every minute?" Emily Webb, Our Town

  8. #2668
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    It is 28 here, but wet and nasty so I'm staying in. Things are starting to ice up after having been a tad warmer for a little while.

  9. #2669
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    34 here. We are under an advisory for freezing drizzle, but nothing so far. Been just staying in and working on an editing project.

  10. #2670
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    All of our snow melted in the past week and we had one day that was nearly 70°. But I guess we’re in for another bout of precipitation that might turn to snow. Snow is better than ice. I mean it is February here so winner is not nearly over. .

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