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Thread: April 100 items challenge

  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs-M View Post
    ROTFLMAO! Note to self... add new word to my buzz-word bible!
    It's a funny word, isn't it?! I can't take credit for it, though; I've seen it floating around blogland for awhile now.

    DH and I got rid of a bunch more stuff in the basement this weekend. Some holiday decorations, picture frames, a crock pot, candles, an iron, some old clothes, a board game, a Litter Maid and all the accessories. Two garbage bags and three big boxes full. Feels great! We are only about halfway done, so more decluttering will follow soon! :-)

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    beyond the pale
    Quote Originally Posted by leslieann View Post
    I also emptied my email inbox. I have some sort of fear of missing information that results in my being an information packrat. I had almost 2500 emails just sitting, already read, in my inbox. So they are gone. The only thing in there now are items with pending actions. I am trying to be ruthless with the delete button. I don't think that counts on this thread but I wanted to mention it. Doing that was a lot harder than dropping stuff off at the thrift store.
    leslieann, I just found out today that NAPO (Nat'l Assn Professional Organizers) has a niche category for those who organize electronic/digital files. Apparently this section is really increasing, along with the professional organizer profession as a whole, especially in the last few years. There is a need for more than just people who can organize and clean a garage!

  3. #33
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    I think I started with 6 things - add 7 shirts, a pair of shoes, 2 pair of ratty shorts, and a pair of pant-legs - WTF?? gonegonegone. 17.

  4. #34
    Senior Member leslieann's Avatar
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    Thanks, lainey, for the validation. I still have to purge my personal email inbox. That one ought to be easier but somehow it isn't.

    I aspire to have nothing in the inbox but what needs attention. Years ago I learned to manage my postal mail that way; one touch...either handle, file, or recycle. So we don't have piles of mail sitting around (thank goodness). But electronic clutter is easy to keep.

    Found a dustbuster to send to the thrift....that makes...32, I think.

  5. #35
    I'm on a low simmer, account getting ready for spring, but DH pulled through in regards to finding a few things for me, so in the next few days I'll be posting another update. I won't reach 100, but this thread allowed me to tackle a few things I've been wanting to tackle for a really long time, but seemed to always put off for some reason or another. Thank you everyone. The support has been wonderful (and fun).

  6. #36
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    This doesn't add to my count, but I did actually get a bag of stuff dropped OFF at Goodwill (without going in, woohoo!) so it FEELS like more of a victory, lol.

  7. #37
    That's great, Early Morning. Between now and the weekend, I'm hoping to wrap-up this challenge with one last heave-ho.

  8. #38
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    Trying to eek out a few more for the month! We've been selling a lot of stuff--treadmill, Bowflex, a desk, an Xbox and games, a computer. Downsizing and re-organizing at its best! So far we have interesting in all but the desk.

  9. #39
    I'm also going to try and "eek" a couple more out, too. Tomorrow is d-day...

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