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Thread: Another Way To Be Dumb....(rant)

  1. #61
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jp1 View Post
    No kidding. That place is MASSIVE. pro tip. If you want to see the Mona Lisa when it’s not swarmed with people taking selfies go close to closing time. Going on thanksgiving day is also a good plan.
    Good tip! And if you enjoy the Louvre take a short trip across the Seine and visit the Musee d'Orsay for a little more contemporary (mid 1800's to early 1900's) experience. That deserves a couple of days itself.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  2. #62
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    You should visit yourself there PacMan, there's a lot of history under those streets. We've visited Mona and her contemporaries 3 different times, you simply can't soak up the grandeur of the Louvre in a single day.

    okay----discuss this amonmgst yourselves: the history books show photos of Adolf, visiting Paree and Napoleons' Tomb. They were both great conquerors, but not as great as the various English Rorals, who at one time or another invaded most of the world. But anyway, we see Adolf in front of the arc de triumph(another useless structure, as is the Eye-Full Tower), but we don't see him taking advantage of the situation to grab the Moana-Lizzza, pack it into his 'cedes, and head off back to his HQ. Even though the media narrative insists those nasty, hateful not-sees looted and pillaged every valuable artwork they happened across. That moana-lizza is estimated to be worth over a billion $$$$, now, if it wever came up for sale. But Adolf, an artiste' himself passed it up. But yeah---you kids'll rationalize it with a sound bite such as: "everybody makes mistakes". ha. true, i will grant you. but that probably isn't why he passed it up. But yeah---i've already seen enough o' that picture; don't needta sit-n-fly-n-sit-n-eat-n-stand-n-look at some old painting, just to give myself bragging rights. nope. last i knew, my case study was sitting-n-eating while looking at the eye-full useless tower, and there were hundreds of other touristy-types(fools)present. Again, it is dumb. people are gullible. yup.

  3. #63
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    Even though the media narrative insists those nasty, hateful not-sees looted and pillaged every valuable artwork they happened across. That moana-lizza is estimated to be worth over a billion $$$$, now, if it wever came up for sale. But Adolf, an artiste' himself passed it up. But yeah---you kids'll rationalize it with a sound bite such as: "everybody makes mistakes". ha. true, i will grant you. but that probably isn't why he passed it up.
    I believe the Nazi's did take it and store it in a salt mine in Austria along with countless other stolen artifacts which were then recovered after the war.

    people are gullible. yup.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  4. #64
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---hAl, those not-seez confiscated the usual types of "priceless artworks" , but they got a Faux Mona Lizza. but yeah--it didn't matter, it was all for show, anyway. who'd want a mona lizza, anyway? i'd get ridda that thing & take the moolah, anyway. but yeah---my case study arrived back from their trip, which included a WEEK in gay paree being touristy, and is whining about travel fatigue/jet laf, and how they must report in monday morning to resume curing insanity. ha. i, ontoh, took my littlebitty kids chair upta the intersection and sat-n-watched cruisers cruising, last nite for a coupla hours. next time, i'll go before dark before the traffic flow peaks. but, it was VERY interesting & I didn't hafta spend $$$$$$ on tickicks. ha. two words that are euphemisms for money-for-nothing are "fees" and "tickets". you receive nothing of any value in return. yup. hope that helps you kids some. thankk mee.

  5. #65
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Good tip! And if you enjoy the Louvre take a short trip across the Seine and visit the Musee d'Orsay for a little more contemporary (mid 1800's to early 1900's) experience. That deserves a couple of days itself.
    Definitely! That and the L'Orangerie are probably my two favorite museums with NY's Metropolitan being a close third.

  6. #66
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay---i forgot to tell you kids the the us army seized somma adolphs paintings, over there in germany. evidently, they've got 'em stored under lock & key in the Army history museum in DC. the general public is not allowed to see 'em, since they claim it might be too controversial. like---they never ever do anything controversial. ha. yup.

  7. #67
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay------little story here, about one a them ill-fated Kenn-O-dees. but yeah---they make their own fate, by doing stupid things. yup. so, anyway----this one kenn-o-dee married an english guy of high position, and there was much hoopla & controversy about that. well, he went off to the senseless war, and never came back. well, i guess she hooked up with another dignitary shortly thereafter, and they decided since they were dignitaries that they needed to fly from gay paree to the Riviera(which isn't all that far)for something to "do". so yeah---the plane crashed, killing all on board. end of story. well---not really; there's some book you kids can buy, all about this kenn-o-dees' short, tragic life. But guess what? I ain't reading it, because at this point, i know all i need to about this short-lived kenn-o-dee. See? hope that helps you some.

  8. #68
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay------little story here, about one a them ill-fated Kenn-O-dees. but yeah---they make their own fate, by doing stupid things. yup. so, anyway----this one kenn-o-dee married an english guy of high position, and there was much hoopla & controversy about that. well, he went off to the senseless war, and never came back. well, i guess she hooked up with another dignitary shortly thereafter, and they decided since they were dignitaries that they needed to fly from gay paree to the Riviera(which isn't all that far)for something to "do". so yeah---the plane crashed, killing all on board. end of story. well---not really; there's some book you kids can buy, all about this kenn-o-dees' short, tragic life. But guess what? I ain't reading it, because at this point, i know all i need to about this short-lived kenn-o-dee. See? hope that helps you some.
    The Babylon Bee’s headline last week was about Trump adding RFK Junior to the ticket so as to attract future bullets in the Kennedy direction. Macabre perhaps, but funny.

    I’m sad I have to agree with you, Kennedys seem to find many ways to be dumb.

    I’ve heard several analyses of John Kennedy Jr’s actions as a pilot and his qualifications for flying in the weather conditions that crashed his plane. I am on the fence about how much was his fault in even getting into the plane that night. The popular consensus is that he was not qualified to fly in those conditions, but that is not a universal opinion.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 8-25-24 at 4:12pm.

  9. #69
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----i know summa you kids see everything in the context of some moo-veee; there is no boundary between film and reality, right? but yeah---i remember how in the 1977 Woody Allen moo-veee, with Diane Keaton(whose REAL name is Hall), how they recruited chris. Walken to play the creepy brother, though they coulda maybe got Tony Perkins or Bob DeNero(fanaticrat activist)to play the weird brother. so anyway, Chris is describing an imaginary car wreck to woody , and suddenly the scene switches to one of a terrifed Woody as a passenger in a car with Chris at the wheel. But yeah---one a my all-time movie scenes. hope that helps you kids. i must return to my duties looking after these catts and watcdhing you tube videos of serious car wrecks. yup. thankk mee.
    Last edited by littlebittybobby; 8-25-24 at 9:30pm.

  10. #70
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----something stupid that has been getting news coverage is that "burning man" festival out west in the desert. so yeah---70,000 people all camp together for what--over a week? anyway---the news media monitors the event, in case there's something bad that happens, like a mass shooting or outbreak of ebola or whatever. that way, there will be NEWS to report! See? but guess what? you won't see littlebittymee at burning man, no siree. it's just stupid. yup. hope that helps you some.

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