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Thread: Trump's Day One accomplishments - your predictions!

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmethesimplelife View Post
    In short, learn something from my Austrian ancestors and even more importantly, let it sink into your DNA that the United States is not immune from collapse, either. Rob
    Have you considered learning from your Austrian heritage?

    Smart ones got out of the country, BEFORE the Nazi party shut down the borders and started sending people to camps. You seem to think the same thing is happening here, yet you're still here?

  2. #152
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToomuchStuff View Post
    Have you considered learning from your Austrian heritage?

    Smart ones got out of the country, BEFORE the Nazi party shut down the borders and started sending people to camps. You seem to think the same thing is happening here, yet you're still here?
    Glad I to know I wasn’t the only one thinking this.

  3. #153
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
    Yeah, that's the bottom line for me. I agree with him about how the food system is messed up--from the ground up--I love that he wants to support all farmers, and wants to support regenerative ag. I like that he talks about processed foods and food chemicals and impact on national health. I like that he's been an environmental lawyer.

    As far as his family legacy goes, I agree that the family succeeds in spinning their narrative to achieve their status as political icons but there are SO many slimy chinks in the armor going down through the generations.
    here is what National Review said today about RFKJ and it is a good summary of how I view him:

    “RFK Jr. hears things and reads things, and half-remembers them, then makes sweeping conclusions from what he misremembers, and insists he’s merely citing “the science.”

  4. #154
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Since Donald Trump is slashing and burning government regulations, I have a wish for Donald: I wish for him to roll back the automobile requirements that no longer allow small trucks to be manufactured. No, the new Ford Maverick is not a “small “truck.

    This year we started babying DH’s 2009 Ford Ranger that had been” totaled” in a wreck although he fixed it and it’s been going fine ever since. He does not want a bigger truck with a higher bed. He wants a truck the size of a Ford Ranger. You can no longer get them due to government regulations. We are not driving it when we have a choice to drive something else because it’s irreplaceable, so we want to put as few miles on it as possible.

    Maybe President Trump can do something about that, because there is certainly a market for the old small trucks like a Ranger.

    look at the small trucks of bygone years and the things that replaced them. And if any of you make fun of owners of big trucks, please at least recognize that there isn’t much choice anymore.


  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    Since Donald Trump is slashing and burning government regulations, I have a wish for Donald: I wish for him to roll back the automobile requirements that no longer allow small trucks to be manufactured. No, the new Ford Maverick is not a “small “truck.

    This year we started babying DH’s 2009 Ford Ranger that had been” totaled” in a wreck although he fixed it and it’s been going fine ever since. He does not want a bigger truck with a higher bed. He wants a tractor the size of a Ford Ranger. You can no longer get them due to government regulations. We are not driving it when we have a choice to drive something else because it’s irreplaceable, so we want to put as few miles on it as possible.

    Maybe President Trump can do something about that, because they’re certainly a market for the old small trucks like a Ranger.

    look at the small trucks of Bagon years and the things that replaced them. And if any of you make fun of owners of big trucks, please at least recognize that there isn’t much choice anymore.

    + one million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #156
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    DH had a Ford Ranger and loved it too! He can buy any truck he wants and has not done so either.

  7. #157
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iris lilies View Post
    He wants a truck the size of a Ford Ranger. You can no longer get them due to government regulations. We are not driving it when we have a choice to drive something else because it’s irreplaceable, so we want to put as few miles on it as possible.
    I was wondering why I couldn't find a small truck when last I bought one. I got a Toyota Tacoma, but it is "huge" compared to what I was looking for, and compared to the small Toyota I had in the '80s.

    Subarus also seem excessively huge - when we got my now-ex-wife an Outback, we were looking for something to replace our expired Volvo wagon, and remembered Outbacks as being station wagons. Imagine our surprise on the lot to find they had ballooned into large-ish SUVs.

    I'm currently on a quest to get a decent, old, diesel, Toyota HiLux - there are a few importers of such treasures now. I almost pulled the trigger on a lovely Ford Model A pickup last year, but it was way too nice for how I'd use it, and I would have felt bad.

  8. #158
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bae View Post
    I was wondering why I couldn't find a small truck when last I bought one. I got a Toyota Tacoma, but it is "huge" compared to what I was looking for, and compared to the small Toyota I had in the '80s.

    Subarus also seem excessively huge - when we got my now-ex-wife an Outback, we were looking for something to replace our expired Volvo wagon, and remembered Outbacks as being station wagons. Imagine our surprise on the lot to find they had ballooned into large-ish SUVs.

    I'm currently on a quest to get a decent, old, diesel, Toyota HiLux - there are a few importers of such treasures now. I almost pulled the trigger on a lovely Ford Model A pickup last year, but it was way too nice for how I'd use it, and I would have felt bad.
    That’s another thing….no longer are there small station wagons although I do not know of I can blame government regulations for that.Probably not.

    we wanted the small Ford station wagon to replace our larger station wagon when it went bad in 2008, but they no longer made them. Station wagon cargo areas are the right height For bulldogs to stand and see out or to sit and see out. They can’t see out in SUVs. They were making Subaru station wagon then but we didn’t want to spend that kind of money, we just wanted the plan Jane Ford.

  9. #159
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    Washington State oddly hasn't banned kei-class mini-trucks, so those seem to be flooding into at least my county recently.

    They are super-cheap. Parts supply apparently requires a bit of an effort, but seems to be not-impossible.

  10. #160
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bae View Post
    Washington State oddly hasn't banned kei-class mini-trucks, so those seem to be flooding into at least my county recently.

    They are super-cheap. Parts supply apparently requires a bit of an effort, but seems to be not-impossible.
    I see one of those around here occasionally, every few years and I wondered where they came from. But they are hot house things and I have no idea how reliable they are.

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